The new #fedora-websites channel on freenode is registered and running.
Stop in and drop a line!
(Your client may not support the above URL.)
This channel obsoletes #fedora-wiki, which now forwards to this new channel.
After the holiday season is over, we may start holding regular meetings
in this channel, much like the meetings held for FESCo, FDSCo, and
Marketing/Ambassadors. The floor is open for suggestions regarding
meeting times, regularity, agenda, etc.
Very shortly, I'll be starting a schedule page similar to those of the
other projects for us to start tracking our agenda. If you have an item
of importance, please take a moment to add it. I should have this page
ready within 30 minutes.
Thanks for your participation in the Fedora Websites effort! I hope to
chat with you all in this new channel!
Patrick "The N-Man" Barnes