At the risk of sounding like I'm measuring dicks:
Thomas, how long have you been a system and/or security administrator?
Are you willing to watch drupal, maintain the package, and audit ALL of
the modules that we decide to use?
Are you a php programmer, even?
In other words - who is expecting to do the work here? B/c if the drupal
site is going to run on fedoraproject.org and you're expecting me to
monitor and watch the drupal devel process for problems or security
alerts you have another thing coming.
Peace everyone. I am going to repeat the same suggestion. If the cms
needs to be run within fedoraproject.org it has already been made clear
that Seth doesnt want a PHP based solution due to security concerns from
a administrative point of view. Python is generally what Fedora prefers
too. So we can look at the python based CMS and check which one fits
our needs or just set a redirect from news.fedoraproject.org to
fedoranews.org and let Thomas Chung continue to administrate and setup
Drupal or anything else that he prefers.
Any other suggestions?