OK, so. There's a bunch of changes that need to happen on fedora.redhat.com, because it's been decaying for far too long -- and we're going to make these changes in the next two weeks. Basically, here's our plan: 1. Rework all the content, bearing in mind that at some point (soon) we'll move it to fp.o. Most of the new content will be repurposed from the great content that has been written at fp.o recently. For the first few days of next week, Alex and I will be barricading ourselves in a room and writing/editing/checking in new content. That's all we'll be doing. 2. Begin translation efforts in-house for this static content. I expect it'll be mostly Red Hat folks, but this is a decision for Sarah Wang, who runs our translation efforts. The goal will be to have key f.r.c content translated into several of the most popular languages within the next month. This way, once we've worked out the infrastructure issues for the static content on fp.o (drupal? zope? YAcms?), the work of sorting the content *itself* will be mostly done. And it no longer makes sense (and never did, really) to delay this content rewrite until we've got a "better" website to put it on. --g _____________________ ____________________________________________ Greg DeKoenigsberg ] [ the future masters of technology will have Community Relations ] [ to be lighthearted and intelligent. the Red Hat ] [ machine easily masters the grim and the ] [ dumb. --mcluhan On Tue, 8 Nov 2005, Patrick Barnes wrote: > First, I'd like to welcome you all to the new Fedora Websites mailing > list. The purpose of this list is discussion related to the formal > Fedora websites (fedoraproject.org and fedora.redhat.com) and to allow a > forum for communication between the contributors and maintainers of > these sites and the maintainers of third-party Fedora-related websites. > > To start off, we have a few items to address. Consider these the early > agenda for this list and the group it represents. Additions and > suggestions are welcome. > > 1. The List of Fedora Community Websites > Scott Glaser has begun working on a list [1] of Fedora Community > Websites that will be added to the Communicate page [2] of the wiki. If > you have any suggestions for this list, please contact him. He will > also need assistance in deciding what sorts of sites should be > included. If you have any remarks to that end, he will be happy to hear > them in #fedora-docs on freenode. Look for Sonar_Guy. > > 2. Deprecation of fedora.redhat.com > Ongoing efforts have been underway to place all critical content on the > fedoraproject.org wiki and to prepare the wiki to supplant the current > fedora.redhat.com website as the primary site for the Project. Much of > the content from f.r.c has already been duplicated on the wiki, but > there are still many pieces that have yet to be moved. One of the > bigger concerns is publishing the documentation produced by the Docs > Project on the wiki. Another key concern is tightening security and > establishing policies for key wiki pages, such as those which are > highest traffic or contain legal information. > > 3. Technical contacts and maintainers for wiki pages > The idea of marking pages on the wiki using comments to list technical > contacts/maintainers for those pages has been discussed on > fedora-docs-list. The idea is simple: have a maintainer assigned to > each page, who is responsible for keeping that page up-to-date and > generally taking care of it. For more details, please see the > fedora-docs-list archives [3]. > > 4. Wiki translation > Yuan Yijun has jumped ahead of the rest of us and begun working on a > zh_CN translation of the wiki. So far, his work has not been in line > with the translation ideas discussed so far. We need to decide just how > we want to handle the wiki translation, including what kind of structure > we want to use, policies regarding translation of sensitive materials, > and what parts of the wiki should (not) be translated. Obviously, there > is interest in getting this done. We have had individuals interested > specifically in Japanese, Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese and French > translations all try to get things moving. It's time to figure out how > this is going to be done. > > 5. Usability improvements on the wiki > There have been several good suggestions for improvements to the wiki. > First, there was the idea of making a more general-purpose FrontPage to > better serve visitors. Then, assorted improvements for the wiki's > themes. A lot of progress has been made, lets see what else needs to be > done. The latest idea, courtesy of Rahul Sundaram, is the restoration > of the 'Parent' links provided by MoinMoin's default themes. These > links, which allow a visitor to quickly browse to any page's parent in > the hierarchy, disappeared during the creation of the > kindofblue/sinorca4moin theme. > > On a final note, if you have not already done so, you might want to > consider signing up for the 'web' group in the Fedora Account System and > adding yourself to the list on the wiki [4] of people > interested in working on the Fedora websites. Elliot Lee was kind > enough to start that page as a first step in coordinating work on the > Fedora websites. He had an excellent point, and one that is served well > by this new mailing list: it is time that all the various efforts to > improve Fedora on the web be coordinated so that they may move forward > more efficiently. Lets do it! > > [1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ScottGlaser - See the bottom of the page > [2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate > [3] > https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-docs-list/2005-October/msg00111.html > [4] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites > > > -- > Patrick "The N-Man" Barnes > nman64@xxxxxxxxx > > www.n-man.com > -- > > >