Re: CentOS - what to use now that CentOS 7 is EOL

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Tim wrote:

>You'd think (you'd wish) they'd get snared by the original release not
>being "fit for purpose" being against several laws that obligated them
>to providing something that was, and didn't let them weasel out after
>some arbitrary time limit.
>We have such laws about real products.  You buy a hammer, it has to do
>what a hammer is supposed to do, and last for a reasonable time for
>that product at its price.
>Similarly, if you buy a database, you ought to be able to expect to do
>what a database is supposed to do, and work according to its
>But if you actually try to pin a supplier down to the laws regarding
>faulty products, even when it's demonstrably failing right there in
>front of you, them, and witnesses, some companies fight tooth and nail
>and blatantly break the law to escape their responsibilities.
>Unfortunately everyone's got used to bad software, and computer
>hardware, and nobody throws it back at their retailer for a refund.  If
>everyone returned dud computing products the same way that they
>wouldn't accept a dishwasher that didn't work, they'd actually have to
>release properly working products to stay in business.

The difficulty comes in defining "what {it} is supposed to do". If I
buy an IC measuring less than 0.2 cm2, I get (or can get) hundreds of
pages of documentation on what it does and does not do, exactly how it
does those things, and test results. If I buy a piece of software as
complex as a database, I get something called "getting started" and
that's it. How can you prove they didn't do what they promised when
they never really promised anything?
         Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA       +1 714 434 7359
       dave@xxxxxxxxxxx              dhclose@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart
enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important."
                                          -- Eugene McCarthy

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