Re: NVMe questions

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On Sat, 2024-07-27 at 15:47 -0400, Go Canes wrote:
> What I'm not sure of is the "1" in "HD(1,GPT,[...]" - I am thinking
> it
> refers to the first "hard disk", which if I am right, means at least
> one of them is pointing to the correct uuid, but on the wrong disk.

However none of the UUIDs seen by efibootmgr correspond to anything on
any of the drives.

> Can you disable the SSD in "BIOS"?

Yes, but the NVMe drive doesn't appear as a boot option. Removable USB
drives, DVD etc. do appear (and are grayed out) but not the NVMe.

I guess I could boot Live USB if all else fails, but I'm not sure what
good that would do.

I'll also try updating the BIOS firmware, just in case.

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