Re: OT: SFTP with lftp

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On 27/05/2024 16:47, Frederic Muller wrote:
On 23/05/2024 12:56, Frederic Muller wrote:
On 23/05/2024 12:49, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 5/22/24 9:59 PM, Frederic Muller wrote:
On 23/05/2024 03:31, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 5/22/24 9:57 AM, Jonathan Billings wrote:
On May 21, 2024, at 05:01, Frederic Muller <fred@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

I thought someone here could help me out. I am using lftp to automate some file copy on Ubuntu 20.04. The originating server is switching to SFTP and I have about a week for testing. It works fine by default with F40.

You didn't explain what isn't working.  What is happening? What is in the logs?
Hence my question... how do I troubleshoot the issue since I'm seeing nothing :-) to which George replied promptly. And as they were a lot of messages which I missed I am supposed to be using SFTP.

What is "nothing"?
What command do you run and what happens?

ok sure. I run lftp sftp://user@IP:22 and it seems to connect, let's say I have the lftp prompt IP:~>

But then ls gives me nothing.

Now I connect through SSH to that Ubuntu machine I need to have this working, SSH connection which is limited to 1 single IP and my VPN is not working today, so I am troubleshooting that now... :-(

VPN is fixed (actually they removed OVPN support and now are using Wireguard).

And here is what a --debug gives me:

~> ls
---- Running connect program (ssh -a -x -s -l username -p 22 IP sftp)
---> sending a packet, length=5, type=1(INIT), id=0
<--- Received disconnect from IP port 22:2: Too many authentication failures
<--- Disconnected from IP port 22
**** pty read: pseudo-tty: Input/output error
**** Disconnected from IP port 22
---- Disconnecting
---- Running connect program (ssh -a -x -s -l username -p 22 IP sftp)

and it never stops until I press CTRL+C. Should I try to connect from my Fedora machine, it works and gives me this:

~> ls
---- Running connect program (ssh -a -x -s -l username -p 22 IP sftp)
---> sending a packet, length=5, type=1(INIT), id=0
username@IP's password: XXXX
<--- got a packet, length=179, type=2(VERSION), id=0
---- protocol version set to 3
---> sending a packet, length=10, type=16(REALPATH), id=1
<--- got a packet, length=23, type=104(NAME), id=1
---- home set to /
---- path on wire is `/'
---> sending a packet, length=10, type=11(OPENDIR), id=2
<--- got a packet, length=13, type=102(HANDLE), id=2
---- got file handle 00000000 (4)
---> sending a packet, length=13, type=12(READDIR), id=3
<--- got a packet, length=213, type=104(NAME), id=3
---- file name count=2
---> sending a packet, length=13, type=12(READDIR), id=4
---> sending a packet, length=13, type=12(READDIR), id=5
<--- got a packet, length=28, type=101(STATUS), id=4
---- status code=1(EOF), message=End of file
---- eof
<--- got a packet, length=28, type=101(STATUS), id=5
---- status code=1(EOF), message=End of file
---- eof
drwx******    1 -        -               0 May 13 15:30 KOS
drwx******    1 -        -               0 May 13 15:30 PNH
---> sending a packet, length=13, type=4(CLOSE), id=6
<--- got a packet, length=24, type=101(STATUS), id=6
---- status code=0(OK), message=Success

Does it help?

ok found out the problem: basically lftp tries all the keys in ~/.ssh directory and the ssh daemon on most OS will deny access after 5 attempts with the message Too many authentication failures. Since I ssh to that machine using 'ForwardAgent Yes' it's trying all those keys. For some reasons this is not happening on Fedora but it does on Ubuntu and thus fails. When I ssh using that specific key and then lftp it works.

Found the answer (similar) with the same problem using Filezilla on SE (which didn't work on my Fedora box probably for that reason).

Thank you for your help and support, as always.

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