Re: network mystery!!??

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On 4/3/22 20:09, Jack Craig wrote:
On Sun, Apr 3, 2022 at 6:06 PM Samuel Sieb <samuel@xxxxxxxx <mailto:samuel@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    On 3/25/22 19:29, Jack Craig wrote:
     > i am working to restore a web server to internet access that is
     > after att update
     > the att older modem (pace 5238ac) with arris BGW210-700.
     > i have a static ip from att in the range <>
     > <
    <>>, is the
     > ip for the server.
     > the bgw210-700 is the primary router/modem and is connected to a 3rd
     > party router, netgear nighthawk,
     > the internal <> <
    <>>  connects to the netgear nighthawk

    I'm going to try to coalesce the bits of information from various
    emails, but it's still mostly blanks...

    Is the BGW210 connected via DSL or the Optical uplink port?

no, (and i hope to have pix in the am), the bgw210770 lan port 1 of 4, connects to nighthawk internet port of the nighthawk. a nighthawk lan port is used to connect 16 port switch. all the internal hosts, including the intended web server is plugged into that switch.

That was not a yes/no question. You have to be connected to the upstream through one of those.

    You have a static IP subnet which should be
    <> as explained by Richard.

yes, i accept my error in that ip/subnet map.

    Are you wanting to use multiple addresses?

 att supports only 1 ip exposed ip so i didnt expect an option for more than 1.

What do you mean by that? You said that you had a static subnet as discussed in the previous question.

    Do you want a computer on your network to use one of those public
    addresses or are you just trying to port forward from one of those

    There are a few ways to do those options.

an earlier suggestion was to plug the srvr into the bgw210700
as well as the nighthawk. i've been looking to update my configuration

Without more extensive changes, that would be the easiest solution instead of trying to port forward through two NAT interfaces.

    Where is the web server located in your network?

well, is the internal ip for the web server. is the external ip for that same web server.

Is that IP address the one on the BGW box? If not, with your current configuration, there's no way to use that address.

    Are you using the wifi from both the BGW210 and the Nighthawk?
    If so, do they have different SSIDs?

blackhole-nh is the nighthawk, blackhole-att is the bgw210700

Do you use both of those? So you have to switch SSIDs when you move around your house?

    Do you have the Nighthawk connected to the BGW210 using the WAN port or
    a LAN port?

lan port 1.

I see now that my question was ambiguous. I meant which port on the Nighthawk did you connect to the BGW210 LAN port?

    I'm guessing it's the WAN port because you have both a 192.168.x.x
    subnet (I assume that's the BGW210 LAN) and a 10.0.x.x subnet (I assume
    that's the Nighthawk LAN).  You would be better off connecting the
    Nighthawk to the BGW210 using one of the Nighthawk's LAN ports instead,
    so you only have one private subnet.  But this also depends on the
    answers to the questions about using the multiple public addresses.

 Your suggestion makes sense. i just need to get router access from this configuration.

the current setup allows my firefox session to access both &

If you connect the Nighthawk to the BGW210 using one of the LAN ports on the Nighthawk, everything would be on the 192.168.1.x subnet and you could use the same SSID on both devices. You would need to disable the DHCP server on the Nighthawk and most likely need to give the Nighthawk a static IP address on the LAN because they usually don't support getting it from DHCP.
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