My 'Ctrl-A' and 'Ctrl-E' work just fine (ctrl mapped to capslock where the unix gods intended).. Alt is meta. What do you mean by "I wish there were a Linux
desktop that did that and used the Command key the right way also."?
desktop that did that and used the Command key the right way also."?
On Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 9:21 AM James Szinger <jszinger@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have had good results from ThinkPads over the years. The newest
addition is an E595 which "just works" with Fedors 35 and was
relatively affordable. Business-class laptops and desktops also tend
to be designed with service in mind, so they can be fixed.
Another family member has an older HP Spectre X360 which runs mostly
fine—the main issue is that scales correctly to the 4k display. This
affect both Linux and Windows.
Finally, I am enjoying the MacBook I use for work. It runs all the
Unix software I want and 'Ctrl-A' and 'Ctrl-E' do the right thing in
Emacs, the terminal, and the web browser. I wish there were a Linux
desktop that did that and used the Command key the right way also.
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