Re: Samba problems -

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On 2020-07-19 03:53, Tim via users wrote:
Ed Greshko:
I hate to say this, but in your situation and the need to satisfy
your Apple using family members it may be worth the extra few $ to
invest in a NAS that supports NFS, SMB, and AFP.  It may help you
avoid headaches and keep everyone happier.  :-) :-)
Bob Goodwin:
Yes I aware of that. I bought the MyCloud  thinking it is essentially
an NAS. The way the iOS stuff works all she has in her camera/iPhone
when ready to save them are thumbnail images, saving to the MyCloud
involved each image file being down loaded from the iCloud server
which quickly burnt up half a terabyte of my Viasat 60GB allowance
I've played with those WD & Seagate cloud devices.  I wouldn't say that
their configuration is any easier.  Perhaps even harder, as the
configuration options are more limited, and far less information is
available for you to read about them.

They're support of networking file systems is peculiar.  They don't
seem to support individual ownership of files very well, it seems to be
geared towards everyone can do everything to anything, *perhaps* with
some confinement controls in between.  On that point, I feel that
configuring a normal computer to work in a predictable way is better,
and you have far more control over your computer's behaviour.

And the various apps that let you back up to *your* *cloud* always seem
to go out through the internet, and back in again, never just routing
your backups directly through your LAN when you're home.  Android does
the same thing as you've found with Mac phones:  It chews through your
data allowance like crazy, your phone's and your home internet's.  Mine
was an all-or-nothing backup option, too.  It'd back up all your photos
and videos, you couldn't narrow it down to just some of them, and if it
had any communication problems, it'd just start over again and again,
dumping everything into one huge folder in an uncoordinated mess.
Yes, their system updates do exactly that, one Little glitch and they return to the beginning and start over, with a new iPhone it usually has to be updated on another family members cable connection. In the mean time it's been eating my data usage during the night It never occurred to the Apple designers that their equipment might be used in weak signal areas, they only design for optimum operating conditions.

Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
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