Re: Upgrade of F30 to F31 Appears to Have not Worked Correctly

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On 4/2/20 12:12, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 1/2/20 19:50, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 2020-02-01 08:51, Stephen Morris wrote:
Hi Ed, just further to this, you might be right in saying that it could be the vmware driver not properly supporting Wayland. I have a vm with Mageia installed in it, and if I connect to Gnome on Wayland in that vm I get the same issue. With the location of where the driver is being sourced from, is it likely to be a file supplied by Vmware Tools or is it a file supplied by Fedora?
I don't know anything about VMware Player.  But this

suggests the drivers used are supplied by Vmware Tools.
Thanks Ed. I've had a look the url you provided, and that indicates that the version of Vmware Tools I had installed via the Vmware Player were not the current version, and that Vmware do not supply the current version for linux guests, they require the distribution to supply them which Fedora does via open-vm-tools and open-vm-tools-desktop. When the Vmware tools were originally installed, when the script detected the server (which was the server shown by inxi) it checked the initramfs to see if it needed to be rebuilt, and decided that because there was already a driver for the detected server in the initramfs it did not need to supply one and hence did not need to rebuild the initramfs, so the drivers being used are supplied by Fedora. To upgrade to the latest version of Vmware tools I used the uninstall script from the original install to remove the original tools, and also used dnf to remove the lasest version of the tools because they were installed as well, rebooted the vm, then reinstalled the latest version of the Vmware tools via dnf. Having done this, Wayland still scales to the physical window size when it maximised but it no longer scales to the full resolution, instead of scaling to 3840x2075 as it did previously, it now scales to 3818x2045 (I need to recheck the vertical resolution), but the original issue this thread was raised for is still there.

I have also installed Virtualbox for Windows 10 and done a bit of playing around in that. The issue this thread was raised for seems to not occur in Virtualbox, but with the Virtualbox additions installed by Fedora with the initial Fedora install, Wayland does not scale when the window is maximised. Also at the moment, shared folders in Virtualbox do not appear to work correctly. After the initial install I ran a dnf upgrade which installed a large number of packages (around 700) which included an updated version of Virtualbox additions, but I'm yet to see if anything has changed relative to Wayland and shared folders.
I tried Virtualbox with vm's for every version of Fedora from F29 to F31 and internet access fails in every version. The network gets an IP Address from DHCP and Firefox can access and return results for google searches, but it cannot access the default home page of, nor can dnf refresh any of its repositories. It also doesn't matter what network setting I specify in the VM settings the same thing happens on every one of them. I'm not sure at the moment what the issue is.


One thing I have noticed with this is Vmware only supports grub2 in legacy mode whereas Virtualbox seems to support grub2 in efi mode, but I am yet to test out if efi is actually supported.


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