Re: Upgrade of F30 to F31 Appears to Have not Worked Correctly

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On 30/1/20 11:20, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 29/1/20 20:10, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 2020-01-29 14:48, Stephen Morris wrote:
I forced the swap of display manager and rebooted the system.
Inxi -GxxSMaz gave me the following output:

Display: wayland server: Fedora Project 1.20.6 driver: vmware

Even though it is using a different driver the issue still occurs.
That is not what I expected.  If anything I was expecting...

Display: x11 server: Fedora Project 1.20.6 driver: vmware
Hi Ed, the inxi output I showed above was from selecting the entry 'Gnome' in the dm which is 'Gnome on Wayland'.

If I select the entry 'Gnome on Xorg' then I get the following display which is what you were expecting (which I suspect would also be displayed if I booted into Gnome with Wayland disabled):

Display: x11 server: Fedora Project 1.20.6 driver: vmware
  unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa compositor: gnome-shell
  resolution: 3840x2075~60Hz

I haven't switched back to gdm as yet, but I might do so as with the screen size the vm starts up with, the sddm line that normally displays at the bottom of the screen that contains the drop down that provides the desktop selection overlays the row of shutdown icons below the password prompt.

In F30, in order to get KDE to run at the 4k resolution of the monitor, I had to put a modes entry for 3840x2075 into the modes list in xorg.conf. I might add multiple files into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d for a monitor definition,  and a screen definition containing a list of all the modes as well that are shown by xrandr (if I have to I can also specify a list of modelines for all the xrandr resolutions with the modeline specifications provided by gtf), if I need to (a monitor definition file containing a preferredmode of 3840x2075 should be enough to get Xorg to start in that resolution), to see if I can get xorg to start in full screen mode. Currently, if I have the vm window maximised and start up Fedora Xorg starts in 800x600 and it stays that way not filling the maximised window. To get it to fill the maximised window I have to un-maximise the window and then re-maximise it which then causes Xorg to scale to 3840x2075. This won't help Wayland as, from what I have read, there has been a deliberate intent to not provide the Wayland equivalent of xrandr, and I don't know what config files it uses as yet, but at least I'll have Xorg running the way I want it to.


Can you switch back to gdm?

systemctl --force enable gdm

Then before you reboot, edit the file


To have the line

# Uncomment the line below to force the login screen to use Xorg
Just as a side issue to this, if kdm is still provided, will adding a custom.conf with WaylandEnable=false into /usr/share/config/kdm/Xsetup and for sddm into /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup do the same thing?

And reboot?

Then login to GNOME and see with inxi reports?

Hi Ed, just further to this, you might be right in saying that it could be the vmware driver not properly supporting Wayland. I have a vm with Mageia installed in it, and if I connect to Gnome on Wayland in that vm I get the same issue. With the location of where the driver is being sourced from, is it likely to be a file supplied by Vmware Tools or is it a file supplied by Fedora?


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