Suspend problems on Dell XPS 13

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I am running Fedora 30 (Cinnamon Spin) on a Dell XPS 13 (9380) laptop.  Until about early August, everything was working perfectly, but then, with some update, suspend problems developed which I have difficulties debugging.

Initially, I thought this is a kernel issue.  Kernels up to 5.1.18-300.fc30.x86_64 are working, everything starting from 5.2.6-200.fc30.x86_64 (I did not try anything in between) is failing in the following way:

When I press the the suspend button, the screen goes blank, after a few seconds, it comes back to live, goes blank again, I hear a lot of coil whine.  Then nothing happens, the power button light stays on and the laptop is doing something in a high-power state (it's getting warmer than when it's on and idle).  I think the same is happening on lid close, definitely the final state is the same which is a real problem because when I absentmindedly close the lid and stow the laptop away (as I am used to doing), I have a very hot laptop in the sleeve, which is definitely not very good. When the system is in this state, all I can do is a hard reboot by holding the power button for half a minute.  When the system reboots, it actually comes up as if it was hibernated, i.e., I am still logged in with all windows open.

Looking into the problem more, I noticed two things: (i) running "systemctl suspend" from the command line works perfectly, on all kernels, and (ii) even with a 5.1 kernel, the system is doing something different than simply suspending when pressing the suspend button: the command line suspend will simply turn off the screen, then the power button light goes off after another second or so.  Suspend-button suspend will always do the dance where the display comes back on briefly - it was doing this since I had installed Fedora for the first time, I just didn't think anything of it since it did not cause any problems.  So there is a definitive difference.

Googling further, I found an LWN article ( discussing that Fedora is experimenting with hybrid suspend/hibernate modes, but no definitive conclusion; the article made it seem that it is essentially a Gnome-not-showing-configuration-options issue, but it's not clear whether this problem ever made it into a regular Fedora release and it's also not clear whether it would also affect Cinnamon via some shared code.

Some mailing list post I found somewhere suggests that I look at /etc/systemd/logind.conf, which in my case says


with all other entries commented out.  This seems to indicated that on closing my lid, "systemctl suspend" should be run.  Only, for all I can tell, it isn't.  So who controls what is run on lid close?  Is there some Gnome override (not explicitly installed here), Cinnamon override, or kernel override for what the systemd configuration suggests?

Is there any documentation on suspend and its hybrid variants with a clear debug protocol?  (I have been thinking about filing a bug report, but I have no clue which component is responsible and what information to include.)

Strangely, why is this hitting me and seemingly not everybody else, on one of the arguably best-supported hardware for Linux, on, for all I can tell, a vanilla install from earlier this year?

I would appreciate any hints.


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