Re: open ssh

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On 10/12/19 7:25 AM, Angelo Moreschini wrote:
/Thank you for your answers which provided me with useful basics on how Linux establishes DNS./

/However, even reading other documentation, I am still not clear what mechanisms for which a computer becomes accessible in the LAN through its name:/

Details at the end.

/There are two important files: etc / hosts, etc / hostname and a system service <namectl> which are used to manage this problem, but it is not clear to me how (mechanism) they work, collaborate and interact./

"/etc/hosts" contains a manual mapping of names to IP addresses. It is only useful in very limited cases. I use it to block a lot of ads by mapping the ad server names to my localhost. But I've also used it for accessing remote sites that don't have a real DNS name. "hostname" is just a little utility to print out what the name the computer has been assigned. "hostnamectl" is a utility to set (and view) the current and permanent computer name.

/The DNS is defined and presented to an unsuspecting reader (also in the Fedora manuals) as a telephone directory which provides the telephone number of each subscriber to a hypothetical phone company OK./

/It is said that this telephone directory is modeled as a tree structure at the top of which we find the domains .com, .org, gov, .fr, it, etc. and works as a centralized server of the network that supplies the numbers in correspondence of names … //OK, OK…./

/This type of solution applies to large computer networks of course./

This is how the internet works. It's really a distributed directory. The .org, .fr, etc are managed by a top-level server and below that each group, company, or person manages their own part. It can also be used in an internal network no matter what size. I run freeipa which helps manage users and dns entries on my home network and at a school.

/But since this clarification is not explicitly highlighted it can be confusing to a reader who reads the manual for the first time //in what context DNS is applied//...:/

Unless you have a local override, DNS is what is used to resolve a network name.

/Another is to get the name of a computer in a LAN and other is to create a DNS server .. and context difference (and the different solutions) is not highlighted in the manuals ...:/

/It was difficult for me and I am still personally bewildered to distinguish which two different contexts may be .../

/That is to say ... when to simply use the Linux kernel service and when it can be useful to create a DNS server implemented via BIND./

You would only setup bind if you want to use a full domain setup on your local network. Most people have no need of this.

In a default setup, host name resolution is, in order of priority: /etc/hosts/, mdns, and dns. You probably don't want to maintain a hosts file for all the computers on your network, especially if you are using DHCP.
DNS is generally way overkill and more work to manage.
The easiest method is to use mdns, otherwise known as Bonjour on Macs and probably some other names. Use "hostnamectl set-hostname myname" to set a unique name on each computer. Make sure "avahi-daemon" is running (should be). Make sure you have "nss-mdns" installed (should be by default). Then you should be able to do "ping myname" (using whatever name you set earlier).
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