Re: Time to refresh my hardware

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Samuel Sieb writes:

On 10/9/19 8:53 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

I just can't get used to the concept on an expiration date on my storage. I've got rust here that's been spinning for a decade, and I've been banging away it, constantly. Hard. I'm told that even under constant use modern SSDs are rated for at least several decades before they croak. I still have a hard time (pun not intended) accepting that.
I'm not understanding what you mean here.  What's wrong with several decades?
I've got HDDs that are already that old. They still work fine. They'll  
probably work fine for just as long.
SSDs haven't been around long enough, I feel, for their claimed longevity to  
be proven. And no matter what it is, SSDs have a ticking clock, counting  
down towards failure. I just have a conceptual problem with hardware that's  
guaranteed to fail at some point. There's no expiration date on regular HDDs.
I'm looking at dual-CPU tower; like I said I need all the cores to compile my stuff. I figure about a $3K price range; and in that range I think I need to do some due diligence, to make sure Fedora will come up on it.
$3K is way overkill.  You could get an AMD 16-core with 64GB of RAM for much  
less than that.  And that would even be more than you need.  Most build
Where, for example?

systems are not parallel enough to use that many cores. An 8-core is plenty. Your biggest speed improvement would be that SSD that you don't want to use. And if you're not wanting to play the latest hot games, you can get the cheapest graphics card you can find.
Right. I don't need games. But I do need something that just comes up and  
works in X without having to fiddle with drivers; and is good enough for  
video playback.

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