Re: How do I generate grub for legacy?

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On 5/12/19 1:51 AM, ja wrote:
On Sat, 2019-05-11 at 17:53 -0700, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
On 5/11/19 7:25 AM, ja wrote:
On Sun, 2019-05-05 at 00:12 -0700, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
On 5/4/19 11:42 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
The grub2-mkconfig script detects EFI and creates a "System setup"
menu entry so the user can get into firmware setup (functionally the
same thing as an F key at boot time to get into what some people call
'BIOS setup' but that's confusing to say on a UEFI system which
doesn't really have BIOS, hence "System setup").

Hi Chris,

This stick has to go into and and all machines.

I have two qemu-kvm machines set up to test.  One with EFI bios
and one with Legacy bios.  Nether have a "compatibility mode"

So far, I can boot into EFI perfectly.

Legacy, I get a Grub> prompt

How do I trick grub2-mkconfig into thinking I have a legacy
machine when I am booted into the EFI machine?

This has probably been done to death, but I now
have a BIOS & EFI bootable F30 USB Stick.
Works OK on an old BIOS Only laptop &
on m/c with EFI & compatibility mode.
No Guarantees!
  From my notes

Update F30 2019_05_09
Once an efi bootable F30 USB stick has been created then:
Boot from it in efi mode
dnf [re]install grub2-pc		 only installs 3 files grub2-pc, grub2-pc-modules, ...
grub2-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda	 install grub on the MBR (triple check the USB stick
Create a Minamalist grub.cfg file
The UUIDs, kernel & initrd versions must be changed as required
Be prepared to re-create this file when a new kernel is created

You left out a pretty big step here.  How do you create this
minimalist grub.cfg?See below
As root
blkid -c /dev/null will give you the partition UUIDs
ll /boot will give the kernel & initramfs versions available

The search line tells grub the partition on which the vmlinux & initramfs files are to be found.
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root fe6b44f8-0f5a-41f3-a11a-142461c9fe6c
Lets call it "grub root".

The linux line selects the vmlinux version (and its location on the "grub root" partition)
It also indicates which partition to mount as "/" (root)
linux /boot/vmlinuz-5.0.11-300.fc30.x86_64 root=UUID=fe6b44f8-0f5a-41f3-a11a-142461c9fe6c

The initrd line selects the initramfs version (and its location on the "grub root" device.

The different meaning for "root" is not helpful
They are the same partition in my case but this is not necessarily/usually true.

Remember these quotes "EOF_GRUB_CFG" inhibit variable substitution.
Remember "expand -t 4 filename" to prevent TABs being present in the heredoc.

Above - just notes to myself about the use of hereis doc - No TABs
What are you doing here?
Below - just notes to myself about the use of hereis doc

"cat -T filename" shows TABs.
Move /boot/grub2/grub.temp to /boot/grub2/grub.cfg when satified with the result!

Cut and paste the 12 lines below into a terminal
(Without the > > put in by the mail client)
This will create a very basic /boot/grub2/grub.temp file

Edit as required using the info from above

cat > /boot/grub2/grub.temp <<"EOF_GRUB_CFG"
set pager=1
terminal_output console
set timeout=5
      menuentry 'Fedora 30 (Thirty) ' {
          insmod part_gpt
          insmod ext2
          search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root fe6b44f8-0f5a-41f3-a11a-142461c9fe6c
          linux /boot/vmlinuz-5.0.11-300.fc30.x86_64 root=UUID=fe6b44f8-0f5a-41f3-a11a-142461c9fe6c
          initrd /boot/initramfs-5.0.11-300.fc30.x86_64.img

What exactly are you doing here?

Why not just copy and paste with vi?

No problem but I like hereis documents!
Everything is done with just one select/paste.
File name, location & contents.

Another recent use on my system - I don't have to think!
Xorg.0.log errors Problem - Still present on F30							
cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-flip-off.conf <<EOF_XORG_FIX
Section "Device"
     Identifier  "Card0"
     Option      "PageFlip"  "false"

I am confused.  :'(

Thank you!  I will have to read it over several times

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