Re: Modem/Router/Router -

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On 04/20/19 15:54, Samuel Sieb wrote:

Is this device you have shaped like a triangular prism?

According to the little information I've been able to find, the viasat gateway should be at  But it's not clear, so what IP address does your computer get when it's connected to the gateway using either ethernet or wireless?  Assuming you can get to the web interface of the gateway, the username should be "admin", the password is either "admin" or is written on the gateway somewhere.  You should be able to disable the wifi if you want and there might be a way to switch it to bridged mode, either in the router settings or the modem settings.  Be careful, if you do switch it to bridged mode, you might not be able access it again without completely resetting it.

In any case, bridged or not, you should be able to use your own router. Unless you've done some unusual configuration of your router, this is how it should be connected.  Connect an ethernet cable from your router's WAN port to one of the gateway's LAN ports.  I would recommend using port 1.  Now, connect your other network devices to your router's LAN ports or wifi.  Check the IP address of your computer now.  Go to your router's web interface and make sure that the WAN interface is set to use DHCP and check what it's IP address is.
. I would answer yes to all those questions ... On this computer NM shows initially, the other one I have been using ...124.1 but this computer is normally fixed at and so far the only I can get a path through my router is to WAN plug into one of the LAN jacks, the router then acts like a switch or a straight through Ethernet adapter which also works. IO have never been able to get a signal through my router from the WAN jack to the LAN jacks when connected to the Viasat "modem." It did work with their old modem before the system upgrade that introduced the new modem and dish, for thirteen years before that the system worked with whatever equipment they provided and several different routers, almost always modified to run DD-WRT or the Tomato-USB version of DD-WRT which I prefer and using presently.

I began to suspect that my router is not configured correctly for NAT and have been messing with that, it has some settings I have never needed to use before but I think I need to adjust them, Hope to have time to work on that tomorrow.

And yes, the wifi password and router password are among the things on the bottom label and I have been using them to access the Viasat modem as necessary.

I hope that gets all the things you asked and I appreciate the assistance.


Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
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