Re: Samba version woes

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On 15Jan2018 12:01, Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallaghan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, 2018-01-15 at 11:07 +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 14Jan2018 23:25, Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallaghan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On further study, I strongly suspect my mods to the config file are
> being overwritten on reboot. Apparently the NAS has firmware that
> restores basic stuff from a read-only partition on booting.

Does it have a persistent rc.local or cron (thinking @reboot here)? We've got a
PVR with that kind of behaviour (custom hacks vanishing on reboot).

It's sneakier than that. Much of the root filesystem, including the
directory where the default apps live, is read-only. I've tried
remounting rw as a loopback to make changes but haven't quite got it
right yet. Something else seems to be going on.


As a final suggestion, have you got a home linux server that's always on? If
you get nowhere with Samba on the NAS, there's always NFS from the NAS to your
server, then Samba from there. That way you'd have control over the Samba

I only have my desktop, but that would be Plan C. The irony is that I'm
using Samba purely because I need a backup for my Windows VM, which is
running on the same desktop.

Plan B is to jigger Windows 10 to accept SMB1 as it used to before the
recent updates. I'm aware of the risks but apparently it's possible.

Plan D is to junk the thing and loot it for the drives (I've already
replaced the original Seagates, both of which failed, with two decent
1TB WD units). Realistically I don't think I need a NAS any more. It
used to be my media server but got too slow for that so now it's just a
backup server. I might just stick the drives in my main machine in a
RAID format and keep using them for backup.

Yeah, we went that way. We were using a WD Live drive as our media server and had a tiny cheap machine as the home server (email, DNS, etc). Our PVR is Linux and NFS mounts the media server so we've got one main playback device.

Like your NAS, both the WD Live and the tiny server were underpowered.

Last year we bought an HP Proliant G8. It has a cool cubic form mactor with 4 3.5" SATA drive bays. And an internal SD slot. We've got 2 8TB WD Red drives in it in RAID1, the OS on the SD card and /home on a 250GB SSD. That leaves 2 more drive bays for expansion/transfer/migration some time.

Regarding backup for the server, we have a pair of 2TB WD MyPassport USB 3.0 bus powered drives. One stays ion all the time, getting nightly backups. The other lives in a drawer, and we plug it in every so often to update its backup. That gets us nightly backup resolution plus an offline isolated backup in case of the OS getting comprimised, which could lead to the main backup being comprimised.

My personal laptop is a Mac, backuped with TimeMachine to a WD MyPassport, which also lives in a drawer for the same reason.

Why RAID1 in the server? For rescue: either drive from a RIAD1 pair can just be plugged into another machine and used standalone for recovery etc - just hand mount things. RAID5 would use more drive slots (the G8 has 4) and be more painful in a disaster.

Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> (formerly cs@xxxxxxxxxx)
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