Re: NetworkManager-wait-online is still utterly, and completely, broken

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Here's my understanding of the situation:

* a network interface can either be active/started -- i.e., is in the "up" state, without necessarily having a network address -- or connected -- i.e., having an address; and
* a system can have multiple network interfaces.

I interpret "-s" to mean "all interfaces are active but do not necessarily have an address or a default route". This means that NM will return success once each interface is activated, but does not actually require that the system can reach the outside world.

Without "-s" it means "there is at least one interface with an address and default route".

The problem with the former is that it can return before your system can reach the outside world (e.g., interface is up but doesn't have a DHCP-assigned address). The problem with the latter is that if your system has multiple interfaces, as soon as *one* of them has an address and a route, NM says all is well and continues, *even if that interface can't reach the outside world*. I ran into the latter when my Ceton TV capture card -- which used a virtual network interface -- would come up and NM would say, "this device has an address and a route, I'm done!" and continue along before my actual network interface got an address. This caused issues with various services, and -- if you check the mythtv-users archives -- you'll see that the systemd people's response was "working as intended, that's a bug in mythtv and the other pieces of software which don't adapt to network interfaces which appear and disappear randomly."


On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 2:27 PM, Sam Varshavchik <mrsam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dr J Austin writes:

I have read the nm-online man page about 10 times and I am still not
clear what it is telling me.

The way I parse it, without -s it waits until at least one network connection is present. With the option, it should wait until all connections are up. The man page starts by saying

"When run, nm-online waits until NetworkManager reports an active connection, or specified timeout expires."

This seems fairly clear. Then, -s option is described thusly:

"Wait for NetworkManager startup to complete, rather than waiting for network connectivity specifically. Startup is considered complete once NetworkManager has activated (or attempted to activate) every auto-activate connection which is available given the current network state."

The "every auto-activate connection" means to me: every network connection.

If your interpretation is correct I do not understand how removing the -s
option solves my NSF mount problem.

I don't know. I can only report what I see.

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