Re: anaconda problem

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On 03/21/17 23:19, François Patte wrote:
> Le 21/03/2017 14:53, Ed Greshko a écrit :
>> On 03/21/17 19:30, François Patte wrote:
>>> So what?
>>> I am sorry but I do not understand what you mean....
>> Well, you originally had made some statements about how bad anaconda
>> is.  In your original post you used phrases like "but after sometimes
>> anaconda refuses to do anything"  and "Unfortunately anaconda crashed a
>> few minutes after the beginning of the install".
> That was the case (many times)

Never had the problem.   And, I'm guessing, if it were generally that
bad as you experienced there would be much more of a revolt going on.

>> Then in a subsequent message you gave a list of what sort of
>> partitioning you wanted and what you seem to have ended up with.  And it
>> was brought to your attention that a separate /usr is no longer supported.
> Why not supported? You can create as many partitions as you want... no?
>  Maybe /usr is obsolete but I cannot see why I cannot have a /usr
> partition?

That was explained to you in another message.  Like it or not....that is
the way it is....

>> So, everything sounded really awful to the point where I had to give it
>> a try to see how badly things were.  So, I just did what I did.  Now,
>> granted, I was drinking Jack Daniel's at the time so I did fail to
>> mention that this was simply an attempt to reproduce your experience.
> I use Jack Daniel's to clean my windows don't you have better Whiskies?

Don't run Windows.  And I'm not a liquor snob.
>>> Up to now I did not find how to resize my swap partition and how to add
>>> the remaining space to the extended partition.
>>> I want to resize the swap from this awfull size given by anaconda
>>> (128Gib)  to 4Gib and to move the remaining space (124Gib) to the
>>> extended partition.
>>> Gparted is unable to do this because of the raid1 device where the swap is.
>> So....  You just want to resize your swap at this point. 
>> Now you looked at my other message and saw the output for parted and it
>> may be the same on your system and you see only "primary".
>> Tom pointed out...
>> [root@2disk ~]# lvm vgs
>>   VG     #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree
>>   fedora   1   4   0 wz--n- 31.05g 4.00m
> As I told in my message: using the graphical version of anaconda, you
> have not the choice: either you ask for lvm, or you ask for raid

Well. you are 100% WRONG in that regard. 

I did use the graphical version of anaconda and I created RAID1 **AND**
lvm exactly as you had requested.  So, sorry to burst your bubble.  
Maybe you need to look more closely on the options available to you?

> So I can't resize my awfull swap using this!

Well, too bad then. 
Best of luck then....  If you don't have lvm then probably your only
alternative is to turn swap off, delete the swap partition, create a new
smaller partition and enable it.  But, since you're not using lvm the
space that was freed may not be so easy to use elsewhere.

I suppose if you'd actually show your "df" and other information you
could get better help.

>> FWIW, I am having another Jack tonight....but I hope the above sheds
>> some light on your configuration.
> You'd better choose some single malt not less than 17 years  Jack
> Daniel's could make you a blind man!

Sorry....  Not a Scotch Snob.   Still find it humorous that folks think
single-malt equates to better.  But I like my Jack and even my Kirland
Gin.   After 43 years of Jack and other and not going blind I think I'm
safe.  :-)

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