Re: ssh/screen -- cmdline vs php

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Hey Rick...

Thanks for the input. Really appreciate it.

The issue I seem to have involves how to attach to a screen that's been created.

I start the base process, with the following.

         ssh crawl_user@ "screen -d -m -S 'crawlSession' "

which creates a detached session.

What you said about top is exactly how screen runs..

But what I wanted, was a screen session that is always "present",
where I could "run" remote cmds in the screen.

As far as I can tell, invoking a session as above will get you a
detached screen, that should be able to be attached to, so you can
then use the -X stuff attributes to push the remote cmd into the

Manually, this is trivial.

If I create a session as above, and then manually, attach/detach from
it (locally) I can then do something like

ssh  -t crawl_user@  "screen -r -S crawlSession  -X
stuff '/crawl_tmp/screen_test.php'$(echo -ne '\015')  "
ssh  -t crawl_user@  "screen -x -S crawlSession  -X
stuff '/crawl_tmp/screen_test.php'$(echo -ne '\015')  "

and in the screen/session the output is there on the local vm, no prob...

However, if I attempt to handle the "detach"  portion via code in the
cod that does the SSH,  that's where the prob happens.

It really looks as if you can trivially do a "attach"

   >>> ssh crawl_user@ "screen -r -S 'crawlSession' "
   or some variant of this..

but feeding the associated "Ctrl-A,d" sequence to detach is the issue.

In all honesty if one could do an attach, and then leave it alone.. no prob.

But I haven't found a way to place the SSH/screen cmd into the bg,
such that the remote vm shows the screen (attached) process in the

if on the other hand, you do a screen -r -S 'Foo' locally, this kicks
the attached session into gear, and you can see the screen process in
the procTBL...

Now, you can ask.. hey if you create a session, and then you
attach/detach, isnt that  pretty much the same as just creating it???
Why would that work, but not just the creation process for the
session!!! Well.. that's a good question that I ask myself!!

I even created a quick instance that has the initial screen session
created on bootup.. To see if there's a way to attach/detach via
bash/locally, to see if this solves the issue..

At this point.. I'm really curious now as to what the heck I'm missing.

I was also considering a dummy script that sleeps for 10 hrs, runs,
and repeats... this would be run when the session is created. and
basically procide the attached status for the session.. But that's a
kludge at best...

I think, if I could figure out how to locally attach/detach a screen
session via a script,
 the prob would be solved..

basic steps/flow::

Create the screen session
            ssh crawl_user@".$ip.' "screen -d -m -S '."'crawlSession' ".'"';

//creates a detached screen
//--should be able to now, just attach to the session, and feed in the
cmd to be run..
    --however never able to get this to run...

ssh  -t crawl_user@  "screen -r -S crawlSession  -X
stuff '/crawl_tmp/screen_test.php'$(echo -ne '\015')  "
ssh  -t crawl_user@  "screen -x -S crawlSession  -X
stuff '/crawl_tmp/screen_test.php'$(echo -ne '\015')  "

//--the above with the '-r' should work!!
  the above was tested as well as tested using just the "-X" without the stuff..
  the \015 is for

On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 6:39 PM, Rick Stevens <ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 11/18/2016 09:51 AM, bruce wrote:
>> hmm...
>> Think I resolved the issue of the ctrl-a d -- sequence, It appears
>> screen -X allows for the use of tags, so the "detach" appears to be a
>> substitute for the ctrl-A d sequence..
>> However, I'm still flumoxed on how to run a background process on the remote vm.
>> The following "should" work, but it doesn''t
>> ssh  -t crawl_user@  "sh -c 'nohup screen -rD -S crawlSession &'"
>> I've also tried various combinations:
>> ssh  -t crawl_user@  "'nohup screen -rD -S crawlSession &'"
>> ssh  -t crawl_user@  "screen -rD -S crawlSession &"
> Why do you insist on not using the "-d -m" options to launch a screen
> session in the background? If you don't give it a command, it simply
> starts an interactive shell session:
>         ssh crawl_user@ "screen -d -m -S crawlSession"
> (don't bother with the "-t" to don't need a pseudo-TTY for
> this). That would leave a detached screen session with a shell running
> on the host If you were to "ssh" to that machine and do
> a "screen -ls", you'd see something like:
>         [root@ ~]# screen -ls
>         There is a screen on:
>                 10424.crawlSession      (Detached)
>         1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-root.
> You could "screen -r" to attach to that session, run whatever commands
> you want, and detach again via "CTRL-A d", leaving the shell session
> running. If you exit that shell while attached to it, then the session
> ends.
> If you did:
>         ssh crawl_user@ "screen -d -m -S crawlSession top"
> then the same screen session is started, but instead of a simple shell
> it'd be running "top" in that session. If you "screen -r" to attach to
> it, you can watch the top run. You can detach via "CTRL-A d" and top
> would continue to run in the (newly re-detached) session.
> If you quit top in that session (by typing "q" to quit top), you WON'T
> be returned to an idle shell in the screen session. The screen session
> itself ends because the top command finished (you told it to run top
> and end when top is done) and you'll be returned to the point where you
> issued the "screen -r".
> Does that make it any clearer?
>> The goal, to test if I can actually fire up/simulate the manual
>> process that you get when you do
>>    ssh  -t crawl_user@  "screen -rD -S crawlSession"
>> Which displays the screen session, and also has the actual "screen
>> -rD..." process in the procTBL..
>> thanks...
>> On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 9:15 AM, bruce <badouglas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> trivial it is!!
>>> My inability to solve this in a few mins, says more about me, than the
>>> difficulty of the prob!
>>> The following:
>>> ssh  -t crawl_user@   "screen  -RDS crawlSession
>>> will attach to a detached named screen session.. the term pops up with
>>> the attached screen from the SSH.. This is verified by having a sep
>>> term, where I do a screen -ls and see that the screen is "Attached".
>>> However, the term, shows the screen/term/cmdline prompt. If I manually
>>> enter "CRTL-A d" the process, detaches the screen and the term returns
>>> to the calling env...
>>> My question!!
>>> How the heck can one replicate the "Ctrl-A d" sequence in either shell or py?
>>> When in the screen session at the term/cursor/cmdline prompt I tried to enter:
>>> $ printf '\001'
>>> $ printf '\004'
>>> Which I saw somewhere was the process to generate the "Ctrl-a d"
>>> sequence.. but this didn't work.
>>> I've also seen somewhere, where the ^Ad was the sequence again ,no luck..
>>> Here's why I'm asking...
>>> I created a test script (php) to fire off the actual remote cmd to be
>>> run in the screen session via SSH.. It doesn't work when it gets run..
>>> The test script fires off the screen, with the attribute changed being
>>> 'r' or 'x' based on the attach/detach of the screen..
>>> However, if I go into the target vm and then attach/detach the screen
>>> (which should put the screen session back to the initial state), and I
>>> then run the test app, The app runs correctly.. and the remote process
>>> runs..
>>> So, I want to test how to simulate/perform the same process in a test script.
>>> Thanks..
>>> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 1:05 PM, Rick Stevens <ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> On 11/17/2016 09:47 AM, bruce wrote:
>>>>> Hey Rick...
>>>>> More testing....
>>>>> Not sure if you can use the "-x -r" attributes at the same time.. I'll
>>>>> def check it though.
>>>>> As a kludge/workaround.. I did a quick screen -ls to check if the
>>>>> session was attached/detached, and implemented the remote app based on
>>>>> that.. As I said a kludge ,but it works for now..
>>>>> As to the "real issue" of why I was getting weird behaviours..
>>>>> I had somehow managed to have an existing screen session with 'test'..
>>>>> in my testing, I created a 2nd session with 'test', and then when I
>>>>> was doing the remote app -- using the name 'test'.. it blew up/didn't
>>>>> run...
>>>>> I stuck a check to not create the session name, if it already exists..
>>>>> now running again...
>>>>> Once I get all of this working.. I'll jump to the clusterSSH.. to
>>>>> check that out...
>>>>> If both parts look 'good'...
>>>>> This thing is getting close to being able to fire up to go fetch data
>>>>> from the 300-400 colleges..
>>>>> I know.. relatively trivial when you look at it..
>>>> NEVER say it's "trivial". Engineering criterium #7 clearly states:
>>>>         Build no mechanism simply if a way can be found to make it
>>>>         complex and wonderful. This also justifies your existence and
>>>>         paycheck.
>>>> Phelps' corollary to that states:
>>>>         If it was easy, everyone would do it.
>>>>> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Rick Stevens <ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> On 11/17/2016 07:14 AM, bruce wrote:
>>>>>>> aha!!
>>>>>>> ok.. more testing, more insight into whats going on...
>>>>>>> the basic setup
>>>>>>>  client box (boxA) - running the screen session 'test'
>>>>>>>  local box (boxB) - invokes the ssh/screen/remote app
>>>>>>> test I)
>>>>>>> -running the test app on boxB that invokes the ssh/screen remote app
>>>>>>>   works if the test screen session on boxA is detached!!!
>>>>>>>   --the screen/remote is created by screen -r 'test' ...
>>>>>>> however, if i attach the test screen session on boxA
>>>>>>>   using screen -r 'test'
>>>>>>> and then run the test app on boxB,
>>>>>>>   --using ssh -- screen -r 'test' ...
>>>>>>>   to run the remote within the named screen session...
>>>>>>>   the process doesn't work.. .
>>>>>>>   -now, if I change the test app on BoxB to use
>>>>>>>   --using ssh -- screen -x 'test' ...    <<<<<<
>>>>>>> then this works, even though the 'test' screen session is already attached!!
>>>>>>> ok.. this more or less makes sense..
>>>>>>> So, it appears that I need some way of attaching to the named 'test' screen
>>>>>>>  session regardless of the session being attached/detached..
>>>>>>> I can't see any attribute for screen that allows that.. but I might
>>>>>>> simply be missing something..
>>>>>> Your description is very difficult to follow for me. Perhaps the
>>>>>> formatting is mucked up.
>>>>>> To run a process in the background WITHOUT attaching to the screen
>>>>>> session, launch the process using
>>>>>>         screen -d -m -S sessname 'script parm1 parm2'
>>>>>> This will cause screen to create a session named "sessname" and launch
>>>>>> the script WITHOUT creating an attached session. We use this all the
>>>>>> time to launch long running processes at boot time that require a
>>>>>> console.
>>>>>> If you want to attach to the session thus launched, use
>>>>>>         screen -r sessname
>>>>>> Note that if you want to see the output of a screen session, you must
>>>>>> attach to it OR you must have its output logged via the "-L" option (or
>>>>>> by using "CTRL-A H" in the session) and you can then "tail -f" the log
>>>>>> file.
>>>>>> If you want to run in what is called "multi display" mode, then
>>>>>>         screen -x -r sessname
>>>>>> should do it. The "-x" option allows you to attach a second (or third,
>>>>>> or fourth) terminal to a session that already is attached to give you
>>>>>> another terminal to communicate with it. You can think of it as a form
>>>>>> of "screen sharing".
>>>>>> I won't swear to it but I think if you use "-x" on a session that
>>>>>> DOESN'T already have an attached terminal, then the "-x" is ignored and
>>>>>> you attach normally (requiring the "CTRL-A d" to detach and leave the
>>>>>> session running).
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> - Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
>>>> - AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
>>>> -                                                                    -
>>>> -        Is it progress if a cannibal uses a knife and fork?         -
>>>> -                                  -- Stanislaw J. Lec               -
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> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> - Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
> - AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
> -                                                                    -
> -    Overweight:  When you step on your dog's tail...and it dies.    -
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