F24: waking up from hibernate no longer wakes nm-applet (however existing connection works fine)

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I understand that Fedora has gone the way of my hated linux distribution (Ubuntu) in actively disconnecting hibernate in a very disappointing distribution, but I still think that someone may know what to do so I thought that I would post this here and get suggestions and advice.

I have set up, after installation, hibernate with F24 using the techniques that are now required since the days of F22 (or so). Here is what I did:

1. In /etc/default/grub

add --> resume=UUID="****" <-- to the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= 

where the uuid is obtained using blkid.

then I do the following:

2. sudo bash -x grub2-mkconfig
3. sudo bash -x grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

and after rebooting, hibernate works.

However, of late, since F24, I have been having this problem that the laptop comes back from hibernate but the nm-applet does not. Basically, what happens is that the nm-applet has the disconnected symbol. The network does work (at the location it was working from when the laptop was hibernated). It will not work in a new location simply because nm-applet does not have the ability to provide me with a list of new possibly connections. I have not tried this part with ethernet but I suspect that the general idea would be similar.

The only way I can get back to using nm-applet to provide me with Wifi connections (beyond the one to which it has been connected) is by killing and restarting nm-applet. The process has to be repeated for every hibernate.

So, what should I be doing to avoid having to kill and restart my nm-applet? Is this a bug somewhere (some hook not being turned on, as used to happen with suspend in the bad old days of early Fedora) and if so, where should I file it (under what component in BZ)? 

Many thanks and best wishes,

PS: As an aside, one of the parameters in: /etc/default/grub, I have GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY="true" -- I also tried with 
GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY="false" but there was no visible effect. I am not completely sure what this parameter does because it seems to give me the same result irrespective of whether or not it is set to "true".

Best wishes,

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