Re: evercookies.

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On 24/08/16 20:51, William Mattison wrote:
(I'm replying to the entire discussion as of Wednesday evening US
Mountain time.)

I'm now wondering if evercookies can really be fully blocked.  I do
want to block what I reasonably can.  But as was pointed out, a lot
of wanted web functionality needs cookies.  So now I'm mainly focused
on getting them deleted when I close a tab or the browser.

* My Firefox is set to never remember history.  It clears all
"regular" cookies, cache, and browsing history when I exit Firefox,
right?  What about evercookies?

* Fingerprinting was mentioned.  Wikipedia has two relevant
fingerprinting articles: device (browser) fingerprinting and graphic
fingerprinting.  The device fingerprinting article makes this curious
statement: "Recently such fingerprints have proven useful in the
detection and prevention of online identity theft and credit card
fraud.  In fact, device fingerprints can be used to predict the
likelihood users will commit fraud based on their signal profile,
before they have even committed fraud." So now we're stuck in a
love-hate relationship with fingerprinting.  Having experienced
credit card fraud at least 3 times, I want what those two Wikipedia
sentences mention.  But I hate commercial sites tracking, profiling,
and targeting me.  I also understand that the advertising is needed
to have "free" content on the web.  I accept "generic"
(non-personalized) advertising that is not intrusive and not
deceptive.  The rest actually affects me opposite of what the
advertiser intents: it pushes me away!  So what / how much
fingerprinting to allow vs. try to block?

* Does NoScript block evercookies or the fingerprinting parts of
allowed scripts?

* I recently looked at Adblock Plus, and saw the same
conflict-of-interest noted by others in this discussion.  I will look
at the alternatives mentioned in this discussion.  I also saw the
separate "Browser Privacy" topic started by Drew.  I've since turned
off html5 storage, and will study the other recommendations there.

* It seems CCleaner is for windows but not Linux.  I am indeed
looking for windows-7 solutions, but I'm also looking for Fedora
solutions.  How can I clean out evercookies on my Fedora

* Stan - In your last message on this topic, you implied you are
abandoning Adblock Plus and said you are using "tracking blockers".

Thank-you, everyone. Bill.

Cookies are one of my pet peeves. I have tried to avoid them as much as possible. I don't see any cookies on my account so I may be doing something right.

Better Privacy is supposed to help clear out super cookies. As it states, these are long term cookies.

Cookie Controller was recommended to control cookies when Firefox
removed the "Ask Me Every Time" privacy feature.  I have not found it to
be as good as "Ask Me Every Time".

Being that the cookies re-appear when off-line, makes me think that the
cookies are evercookies or another app that uses Firefox and stores a
cookie on the system.

A plugin that I have used is "Modify Headers". You can make your browser look like it is on a Windows machine and Microsoft Edge from your Firefox.

I also clear my history and cache on logout. Also do this from time to time during my sessions which in many cases last between reboots for kernel updates.

There are some sites that are a problem with the tools I use and in most cases, I just avoid them. For some, I need access so I have a separate account just for those situations where the whole browser directory is deleted after use. Mainly shopping sites which have a tendency to use many third party sites.


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