Re: selinux??

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Allegedly, on or about 25 January 2016, bruce sent:
> I fully get the need for security.. But if I can't get the security
> working as it should, but I still need to build whatever the project
> might be.. the project is going to get created.
> If running Selinux in permissive mode is enough, great, so be it. 

SELinux in permissive mode is *not* secure.  You're using the computer
in an insecure mode, and all SELinux is doing is logging the things that
it would have stopped.

> But when it comes to policies, for differnt users, applications,
> files,etc.. and the possiblity of screwing something up if you go
> wrong, then you have a bit of an issue there...

I run webservers, mailservers, fileservers, DNS servers, DHCP servers.
And I haven't had to turn off SELinux, nor do anything beyond open the
configurator GUI and tick the boxes that said to allow those particular
services (look through its list, find HTTPD server, tick it, find
serving CGI scripts, tick that, etc., that was about the extent of what
I had to do).  Seriously, setting that right was a damn sight easier
than configuring any of those servers.

If you find something is failing because SELinux is stopping it, chances
are that /that/ something is badly written, and needs doing better.  Is
it trying to serve files it has no business serving?  Is it trying to
execute things that it shouldn't execute but merely read?  There's a
plethora of dumb things people try to do with their programs, and
stopping those dumb things is the solution, not allowing them.

Do you ignore programming error messages, too?

> And you can't simpy tell someone, "if you don't know what you're
> doing, don't mess with linux!" Not going to happen..

I can say if you don't know what you're doing, don't do it on the
internet.  Dumb things on the internet don't just affect you, they
affect other people around you.  That's why we have masses of spam on
the internet, and other hacks.  Compromised user boxes, compromised ISP
services, abound.

> ps. To all who've replied in favor of someone not really implementing
> a fed/centos/linux instance unless secure, I take it you're also
> illing to provide pointers/help if someone asks, yes? (And not just
> saying go look at youtube vides, or read docs!!)

Here's a loaded weapon, point it at your own foot, and not in our
direction...  No, I wouldn't give someone advice on how to insecurely
run their computer, and neither will plenty of others.  You will find,
however, that if you try doing it securely, and run into snags, that
people are willing to help you solve the actual problem properly.

Webservers and mailservers, in particular, are at least two things that
need to be run with a great deal of care.  Hackers go searching for
badly set up ones to do their nefarious deeds.  And here you are
advertising that you're going to do so, identifying yourself in the

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64

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posted to the mailing list.

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