Re: strange behavior of external esatausb ports on a Dell laptop

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On 08/26/2015 04:56 PM, fred roller wrote:

Set up the VOM and temp monitoring from software center. Push the system and see if there is a corrilation with rise in temp and your loss of power.

Fred Roller

These are the only vom packages I see in the repositories:

Which ones are of the essence?

On Aug 26, 2015 5:58 PM, "jd1008" <jd1008@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:jd1008@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    On 08/26/2015 12:08 PM, g wrote:

        On 08/26/15 11:17, jd1008 wrote:

            On 08/25/2015 10:36 PM, g wrote:

                On 08/25/15 21:15, jd1008 wrote:

                    On a Dell E6510 laptop, there are 4 ports: 3 USB,
                    and 1 eSata.
                    The ports on the left side of the laptop are USB
                    and eSata.
                    Both of these ports start losing voltage after
                    some time of
                    operation, say ....1 hours to 5 hours.

                did you web search or dell site?

                does voltage decrease to 0.00 v?

                boot to bios or a live cd/dvd. monitor voltage. if
                still happens,
                i would guess hardware.

            There does not seem to be any google hits on what I see
            taking place.
            Dell support is  not help. They just want you to buy a new
            Voltage does not go to zero - because the tiny usb fan
            drops it's
            rpms, but does not stop. So, perhaps it is not the voltage
            that is dropping,
            but the amperage???

        ok, lets look at this another way...

        you say you are on ac, so that _might_ eliminate battery's
        voltage dropping,
        unless wall wart is failing, or failure in voltage regulatory

        ac input from wart is rectified in laptop and then feed to the
        regulator circuits. it is possible that there may be a vlsi
        chip that
        does all the voltage regulating by feeding control voltages to
        power transistors. voltage regulation can be done in many ways
        and only
        the oem knows for sure, unless supplied in specs or schematic.

        does laptop have indicator light to show battery/charge state,
        ac power

    Power supply's ac-dc circuitry is external. It feeds DC to the laptop.

        do you have battery state icon on a panel that you can watch?

    Yes. It shows battery at 100%. I hardly every am without AC simply
    because I only need the battery if and when AC goes out. In my area,
    it doe shappen, albeit, not as often as it was happening elsewhere.

          if icon shows
        a state of 100% that later drops, that will give a clue of
        problem being
        in voltage regulator circuit or in usb port chip/s.

    No. It stays 100%.

        you really need a VOM, Volt/Ohm Meter. a fan is pp for
        accurate measuring
        of voltage fluctuation.

        with vom, you can monitor voltage output of wart to see if it

        for laptop, when voltage drops, as measured at usb port, you
        would need to
        have a way to measure battery while still connected. when you
        state that
        you have a vom, i will go into further.

        because you have failure on one side and not other, tends to
        indicate that
        each side is on a separate regulator circuit. left side
        regulator could be
        heating up and failing.

    That is a possibility, because the heat exhaust vent is next to
    the left site ports.

        which brings to mind, is this same laptop you inherited that
        had over heated
        and you replace cpu, then found it to be gpu?

    Nop. That laptop is fubar. it has the same behavior as before,
    even less than
    one minute after powering on and booting.

        voltage/amperage regulator chips are of type;

           cv/va = constant voltage, variable amps
           ca/vv = constant amps, variable voltage
           cv/ca = constant voltage, constant amps.

        the 'constant' is usually fixed or settable, 'variable' will
        have a max rate.

        i will presume that the regulator in laptop is cv/va, so
        unless chip has
        heat failure, amperage is not a factor.

    Well, I do not know. If it has internal regulators, they must be
    receiving DC
    and regulating the DC voltage, due to the fact that the AC->DC
    adapter is
    external to laptop.

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