Re: Replacing laptop cpu

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I still like my guess better, but it's your machine and your money. Keep us posted.

On 05/24/2015 01:51 PM, jd1008 wrote:

On 05/24/2015 12:49 PM, Ronal B Morse wrote:
On 05/23/2015 11:03 AM, jd1008 wrote:
I have an HP laptop with
AMD Turion II X2 mobile processor RM-72 / 2.1 GHz CPU, Socket S1.
It is now causing blue screens in windows and freezes
linux (pclinuxos, knoppix, fedora live).

I have run the x86 mem test for more than a day, and
found no problems with the 4GB ram (2GB X 2).

I am wondering why the memtest does not freeze????
could it be that only one core is causing the problem?

I think an earlier poster in this thread (Vacelaevus) might have identified a likely problem.
A few years ago there were a number of HP laptops sold with defective 
G8400/G8600 series nVidia graphics chips...out of spec solder or 
something as I recall. The symptoms were as you described...the 
machine would work normally for a period of time and then 
unexpectedly blue-screen, especially under heavy load. In some cases 
the problem occurred only intermittently. In some cases, the machine 
would appear to work normally after they had been allowed to cool down.
In your specific case, memtest doesn't put a very heavy load on the 
GPU, so it may not have warmed up sufficiently for the problem to 
If your laptop has an nVIdia G8400/G8600/G9200/G9400 series GPU it is 
highly likely that is the cause of the problem and replacing the CPU 
will not help. The only recourse is to replace the entire motherboard 
as the GPU is not user replaceable.
The HP customer service website for your model laptop may contain 
additional information.
But this machine had been working for years without this recent issue.
So, I kind of dounbt it he the graphics chip issue.
It's history included the death of the cpu cooling fan, which I replaced.
The laptop belonged to a friend at the time. She sent it to me to fix.
I replaced the cooling fan with an identical one specified by the same
manufacturer and model number on the dead fan.

After fan replacement, it started having this intermittent problem.
So, I am led to strongly suspect that overheating may have caused
the problem before I even put in the new fan.

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