On 08/27/14 03:51, Ian Malone wrote:
On 26 August 2014 20:59, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
<bobgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is there a Linux application that will display a dicom image file?
> Bob
Yes, though there are more that will display other formats that you
can generate from DICOM. Many DICOM files are single slices/images of
a series. Others are
- includes viewer for NIfTI files (.nii/.nii.gz) and converter
dcm2nii. For most uses I'd give it arguments of -r n -x n along with
whatever naming arguments are needed. N.B. slightly odd usage in that
all -? arguments must come before the directory to be converted.
MCverterhttp://lcni.uoregon.edu/~jolinda/MRIConvert/ another
converter application
http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/Licence Includes the viewer
FSLview which will read NIfTI. Lots of other neuroimaging tools
included. Not Open Source, but source provided and free for
non-commercial use.
http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/ Java based viewer, plugin based. Not great
for neuroimaging, but will load NIfTI and I think there are DICOM
plugins too.
http://www.brain.org.au/software/mrtrix/ MRtrix, aimed at diffusion
imaging, but includes DICOM converter and viewer.
There's also SPM, but only if you have access to Matlab.
Thanks to all who responded to my query. I probably should have looked
harder before asking but the responses are all helpful.
I yum installed "aeskulap" which works but it's operation does not seem
very intuitive to me. I have had more success displaying the images
after copying just the image files from the disc to my nfs server.
These are images of a heart catheterization I had done several weeks ago
and display as video clips showing the injection of the radio opaque dye
to outline the blood vessels, everything is moving as the heart beats,
surprising detail, interesting to see ... Just received the disk
yesterday and I need to play with it some more, perhaps try another
viewer? This is a new thing for me and will take some time.
And yes, they did include a Windows viewer and I have a Windows VM
somewhere but prefer not to mess with that if there is an Linux alternative.
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