Re: AM/PM in Thunderbird -

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hello poco,

On 02/26/14 16:43, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

On Wed, 2014-02-26 at 14:07 +0600, g wrote:
ok, all.

I've a feeling we're talking at cross purposes, but here goes:

not sure what you mean by "cross purposes", but, that is ok with
me. ;-)

now that the s/n has dropped, and i have finished playing with
'.bashrc', 'alias', and a script file, i submit the following.

Don't know what "s/n" means, but never mind.

s/n = Signal to Noise ratio.

bob know what it means. :-)

the command that i suggested is what i use when i am in 'init
level 1' to reactivate ".bashrc". i also use it in 'level 3',
and 'level 5'.

Irrelevant. When a process changes an environment variable and
> exports it, it means it's inherited by all descendants of that
> process. The various Shells provide a handy syntax for this, but
> the principle applies to all processes including init.

agreed. i was just stating where i have used '. ~/.bashrc'.

when i am at either of those levels and i open a new terminal, if
i have made a change to ".bashrc", changes are present, just like
they are if i open a new terminal in 'level 3' or in 'level 5'.
[i am not dropping down to 'level 1' just to test.]

Of course, see above.

agree. see above.

what i did do, while at 'level 5', is i edited ".bashrc" to add
a couple of 'alias' lines, and wrote a script file for alias
>> files.

while using kde, i ran test of following and it all works as
>> noted below.

i keep 6 terminals running in kde, i do not close them when i
end kde.

What do you mean you don't close them? KDE closes them when you
terminate the session. You'd have to take special measures to
> prevent this and I'm not sure it's even possible to do in a
> sensible way (i.e. retaining some way to access the terminal
> after KDE closes).

so that you will know, it is possible.

yes, when kde is closed, what ever was running is closed, unless
there was a 'nohup' issued.

when i _logout_ from kde desktop, to 'switch user', 'suspend to
disk', 'suspend to memory', 'restart', or 'shutdown', i do not
close out what ever i have sitting open in 'task bar'.

ie, open windows "top to bottom":
 4 firefox windows and library, 6 terminals, 4 konqueror windows,
 a bash shell started from konqueror, freecell, ksnapshot, system
 monitor, 4 kwrite windows, disk utility, system settings, address
 book, thunderbird, and wireshark.

when i logout of kde for any of above reasons, i _do_not_ close any
windows. when i login to kde again, _all_ of above windows are
reopended with out my opening them again.

in each of the terminals, i have at least 2 tabs open. in each
terminal, when in right most tab, everything works fine. for some
reason, that i did not bother to figure out why, it does not work
in other tabs.

Can't think of a reason for that offhand, other than some kind of
> script bug.

'script bug'?

Each terminal consists of one konsole process and one or more
Shells (one per tab).

this is true.

if i open a new terminal after reactivating '.bashrc' the
>> additions are active.

Obviously, see above (again).

agreed, see above.

no logout and login is needed.

To be more precise: if you run KDE from a desktop manager (KDM,
> GDM, whatever) then terminating KDE logs you out. If you run KDE
> by first logging into a terminal and executing startkde then yes,
> you can terminate the KDE session, fiddle with Shell variables,
> then run another KDE session, so strictly speaking you haven't
> logged out and the new KDE session will see the altered
> environment. However any terminals that were running *within* the
> KDE session have been terminated and have to be re-executed (with
> the now current environment) when you re-enter KDE.

not all true. see above.


i erred in last post;

  alias nbrc='. ~/.bashrc'

should have read,

  alias rbrc='. ~/.bashrc'

so that script 'nbrc' can be reached.


peace out.

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.



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