Re: email failure

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| I think you've gone way off tangent with the civil rights response.
|  I
| was just talking about free email services, which aren't offices of
| government, but business enterprises.  I'm not saying it's a good
| thing,
| that *you* are the product, I'm just pointing out the circumstances.
| It's how capitalism works.  Just about all of these things exist to
| make
| money.  There are very few totally altruistic enterprises, and even
| Red
| Hat is using us with Fedora for their own purposes.   Either they
| make
| you pay for the product, or they make someone else pay for it.  And
| to
| make someone else pay for it, they provide them with a service that
| satisfies them, too.  And how would they do that?  By *using* you.
| Going even further way off topic, but I don't really think slavery
| has
| been abolished, it's just changed.  Think about this:  Are you
| self-sufficient, or do you *need* to have a job?  Is your land large
| enough that you can grow all your own food, catch all your own water,
| or
| is it so small that you need to do something (work for someone else,
| usually) to survive.  If you can't be totally self-sufficient, and
| independent, then you're not really free.  In this day and age, many
| of
| us are slaves to the bank, with near life-long mortgages.  And we're
| slaves to the government, one way or another.  We have to have a job
| to
| pay for what we need, and to pay for what the government demands from
| us.  A tax on this, a tax on that, for every damn fool thing they
| want
| to do, never mind the things that are justifiable and worthy of
| distributing the cost across the population.
| > At least I have a massive voice that is listened to at the
| > university.
| That statement's just ripe for making jokes with, but I'll let the
| opportunity pass.
|[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
|Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64 


"Man was born free, but everywhere he is in chains" Locke 1768(?)

You are not slave to the Government unless you choose to be. You, and everyone in the state (in the global sense, as opposed to the American) controls the government.

I suppose your lines, and lines like it from everyone in the group are why you do computers and why I should hang my hat, quit the group, pursue my projects and let you live your false assumptions about the state and its institutions, and build the operating system without me.

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