Hi there,
I'm having trouble using my HDD on my F19 PC. I tried several USB3.0 ports.
The HDD does not make clicking sounds like it gets not enough power, the
noises are normal.
The drive is being detected, but there's no device file:
This is the hardware I use: Asus H87M-E (C2) with newest BIOS, Intel
Core i7-4770S and 8 GB Corsair DDR3-1600 RAM.
First I thought it's the USB3.0 bug that many Intel chipsets of the C1
revision have, so I checked - I definitely have a board with a C2 chipset.
Everything works fine on my ThinkPad Edge E135 with F19, so this is how
it should look like: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/40764/
Using a live system (F19, too) on my PC, the HDD works "a little" (i.e.
very slow), while dmesg looks like this:
I'm always using the same cable.
Any ideas on how to fix this are very much appreciated. :)
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