On 08/12/2013 01:16 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 12.08.2013 19:16, schrieb g:
so copy only the mail-folder from teh profile
the problem is that he has *not* only a new profile
there are also mails in the new profile
i believe i mentioned something to that affect in my 1st reply.
and if folders are of same name, op still has to make a sub directory
to store emails that are being copied/moved into active profile path.
if op wishes to reset chronological order of emails, there is a very
easy way to do such and there are add-ons that will find dupes should
he finds any. but they will not be cause by procedure i presented.
maybe move all the new messages to a IMAP server and replace the
whoe linux-tb-profile with the windows ones is the best solution
again, op has already setup his linux thunderbird
how is this relevant?
he already has a profile setup under linux and only wants old emails for
if there are some old configs that he is missing, there is an easy way to
to get them.
with your way, he has to spend time uploading emails to an imap server,
which he does not mention having, then downloading emails. a very slow
process compared to copying in emails that i _presume_ in emails he already
has on linux system.
unless you _assume_ he has a satellite account, which is fast down, but slow
i _presume_ that he already has emails in his linux system, coping will
still be faster copying them with in his system.
one can have 10 different accounts, some IMAP and some POP3 at the same time
true, if desired, he could have 100 accounts imap and 100 pop3 accounts,
again, he already has thunderbird set up and i _presume_ working.
if op follows what i wrote in 1st reply, he will have _all_ his emails
from oos in his linux thunderbird and with out a lot of trouble or
possibility of losing any.
* move the messages from this profile to IMAP
* delete the profile
* replace if with the large one from windows
* pull down again the messages from IMAp or even leave them there
i did not notice anywhere op make mention of imap or pop. _only_emails_.
your pushing imap and profile is not really needed and may tend to
bring confusion.
only thing op would save by following your instructions is a very small
amount of time in copying files. why 'reinvent the wheel'?
iow, total time spent will not be any where near same.
also, understand this, i am not saying your way is wrong. it just does
not apply in this case.
if you desire, you can continue to be belligerent about doing it "your way".
i have now said most all i need to say to you.
i have provided op with what he now needs to do to get what he wants.
if you think i am in error, bring it up in mozilla's thunderbird list
and you will be told that it would have been best to ask first as many
have done on list and he would have been told to backup his oos profile
and copy it to linux machine and it would work.
i have laid out procedure need to get what he wants done for his new
thunderbird installation.
if you present what i offered because he did not use a backup to mozilla
support, you will be told that what i presented is easiest way to get what
op desires. merging old emails to new installation
i may be in error, but after i first presented procedure on mozilla support,
there was a page added with an almost same step by step instructions, along
with several other procedures that i have presented to support list.
some will also tell you i may not explain things to releases that current,
but the jist of it works just works.
end of story.
peace out.
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.
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