On 2013/07/30 02:44, Andrew Haley wrote:
On 07/16/2013 06:10 PM, Rex Dieter wrote:
Reindl Harald wrote:
From: Linus Torvalds <torvalds <at> linux-foundation.org>
Linus is in a very special category, and I don't think his justifications
can be applied to virtually any one else. Especially, not *here*.
People put up with his behaviour because of his other talents, but in
the long run that's not sustainable. One of the problems with this is
that younger and more naive people think the way Linus communicates on
the lists is a model to imitate. It's not.
See here:
Andrew, one thing a woman needs to develop to survive in the technical
fields is an incredibly thick skin. As a teenager I had the lack of grace,
or something, to be rather attracted to math and electronics. As a 9th
grader (over 50 years ago) I got ham radio ticket and proceeded to do the
atypical - I hacked my own equipment. Nothing I owned was in "OEM" state.
I made it through college where I developed a bit of a tough skin. (Um,
much of the toughness needed was to survive the female "MCPs". It has
left me somewhat of a loner.) And I got into industry designing radios.
Now, that field is fully as male dominated as is the computer industry
today. I lived with people discounting me because I am some bizarre sort
of curiosity that needed to be reminded to bring the people at meetings
coffee - when I was one of the senior engineers in attendance. We generally
had more black engineers in the departments than women engineers. It took
a sincerely thick skin to survive the men and the secretaries who figured
I was not in my right station in life.
All I can say to a young woman wanting to get into this more than life
itself is to learn to let insults flow off your back and simply do the
work. (And absolutely DO cherish the moments when it comes time to
explain a tough point to the people in the meeting who've never met you
before as you watch their preconceptions giving them sincere mental pain.)
{^_-} Joanne - - It's fun to feed them enough rope so they can hang
themselves, the poor dears. {^v^}
From: Ingo Molnar <mingo <at> kernel.org>
Subject: Re: [ATTEND] How to act on LKML
Newsgroups: gmane.linux.kernel.stable, gmane.linux.kernel
Date: 2013-07-19 11:59:19 GMT (1 week, 3 days, 21 hours and 41 minutes ago)
* Willy Tarreau <w <at> 1wt.eu> wrote:
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 07:40:43AM -0700, Sarah Sharp wrote:
Go look at Dreamwidth, the open source Livejournal fork. It has a
good code of conduct, so developers are civil to each other. They
encourage all patch submissions, and take the time to work with people
who don't understand their community rules.
The result: 75% of their developers are women. If you give a flying
fuck about diversity, and want to attract women to your open source
project, your developers need to be civil, and not verbally abuse each
But this has nothing to do with a project's success or quality, gender
is not related. Are you suggesting that with more women the Linux kernel
would be a more successful project ? If so I think you're a bit biased.
In my opinion, only its good people make it a good project, whatever
their gender.
I don't necessarily agree with everything that Sarah has stated, but I
think we can declare it with scientific certainty that utilizing the other
50% of creative brainpower that humanity has available can only improve
the Linux kernel, and drastically so.
( The "how" is the 1 trillion dollars question, and I'm glad Sarah is
working on that problem. )
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