Re: Why is Fedora-19-alpha so extremely slow?

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On 04/25/2013 02:04 PM, Richard Vickery issued this missive:

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Rick Stevens <ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Because I, like many other general, non-tech users out here on the
        internet who don't understand the lists, am ignorant. This is why I
        continue asking on the wrong list. If you want to be more
        helpful, it
        might be possible to take this question and post it to the
        correct list.

    The correct list for pre-release variants of Fedora (e.g. F19) is
    "test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"
    (a.k.a. "The Fedora Test List"). You have
    to join that list in the same manner as you joined this list.

    All discussions about pre-released software (e.g. "F19", "rawhide",
    even updates of code for existing releases) occur on that list. Once
    F19 (or an updated RPM for an existing package) is released, then
    discussions regarding that released code shift over to THIS list.

    In answer to your other question, grub2 is the default boot for F19 and
    grub2 looks a lot different than grub did. The fedup operation makes
    your system F19 and hence you aren't offered the old grub stuff. Also,
    being on F19 prevents us from answering a lot of your questions since
    most people on this list don't use F19 (yet).

    I belong to both lists (test and users). I have an F19 machine for
    experimental purposes, but I'm not a seasoned F19 user. Some other
    members of this list are also members of test, but the reverse is
    certainly NOT true (most test members never even look at this list).
    - Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> -
    - AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
    -                                                                    -
    -  You can lead a horse to water, but if you can teach him to roll   -
    -         over and float on his got something!            -

Thank you! An answer I can reply happily with / to, rather than thinking
that, unlike what the website says, this group is not so helpful.

If I am on the alpha program, why am I on 3.7x rather than 3.8x?

Ok, that's one we can probably handle. You can run newer systems on
older kernels (many people do). It's not recommended but sometimes
necessary if, for example, you have older hardware that newer kernels
have orphaned for some reason.

The odds are that you have an option in your yum configuration that
blocks upgrades in kernels (although I'd expect fedup to bypass that
somehow). Look in your various /etc/yum* files and see if you have an
"exclude=kernel*" thing in there.  Quick check (as root):

	# cd /etc
	# grep -R exclude yum*

Look for "exclude=" lines that aren't commented out.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-                    I doubt, therefore I might be.                  -
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