On Mon, 29 Oct 2012 15:32:26 +0100, valent.turkovic@xxxxxxxxx
<valent.turkovic@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have same CPU (i5-2500k) and same GPU (Sandybridge Intel HD3000), I
looked on bugzilla but couldn't find any open bugs that are related,
if anybody knows of one please share the linl.
Most of the time I work through the day whthout hangs and leave PC
running, but when I return the next day I see that monitor won't turn
back on, but still hdd light blinks from time to time, then I know I
need to do power-cycle to get my PC to work again.
When I investigate the log there is nothing there, but I'll post full
logs, and I just see that logging stopped during the night...
Few times (much less often) Fedora hangs while I'm working, but that
happened only a few times.
How can I troubleshoot intel driver further?
I think I just found a solution. On my desktop with i5-2500k and Intel
Cove Ridge motherboard, everything I needed to do was to update the BIOS.
Currently running with uptime of two days and not a single glitch. Before
that, the whole system was getting stuck for about 15 seconds (and more,
sometimes not recovering at all) every ~20 minutes causing for example
unmounting of filesystems etc.
I hope it will solve the problem for you too,
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