Re: Failed Migration to Linux

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On 08/11/2012 07:41 PM, David wrote:
On 8/11/2012 6:58 PM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
On 08/11/2012 06:22 AM, Tim wrote:
On Fri, 2012-08-10 at 23:35 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:
You've done an awful lot of typing for an OP that isn't likely going
to engage.
Caught me during a moment of waiting for something to happen.  Besides,
my casual typing speed's somewhere around 50 wpm, so it didn't take very
long to type.   ;-)

Anytime makes a "Windows just works" comment, I roll my eyes.  If you're
lucky, it does.  But for an awful lot of people, it's a right pig's
breakfast or conflicting bits.

Not to be "late to the party",....but that LAST sentence?....HAD ME IN
TEARS......IT WAS TOO FUNNY!...LoL! And why is it when someone complains
about Windows in any respect it is said they're "slamming" it? I mean I
have used Windows from '95 right up to 7, and even though some of them
have been "better" than others, I still have to say that for an OS
whether business or home related, it's too full of holes and has more
"issues" than any other software I've ever used....there isn't any harm
in calling the kettle black....if the KETTLE IS INDEED is
there?....just wondering is all.....

I used Windows 2. Along with OS/2 1.0, 2.0, 3.x Warp and through 4.x. Warp.

OS/2 was it and it's problem was that Joe/Jane Average User was not
skilled enough to set it up. Not meant for home. Linux *used* to be like
that. You knew it, or learned it, or it might not work. Today is different.

I agree, I had to learn the ropes with Windows or else I had to suffer not being able to function not only in the home but the workplace as well. Imagine living in this day and age and someone saying they have NO IDEA what you're talking about when you tell them you're going to send them an Excel Spreadsheet! It would be like having a conversation with Fred Flintstone, but it still just seemed to me that every release of a Windows OS would be full of glitches, bugs, or things wouldn't work the way they were supposed to, now I know the same could be said for Linux today, but the difference is that most people who progress to Linux are usually people who've tried their best to keep up with the patches, Service Packs, and such nonsense that hinders being truly productive for long periods of time, and by long periods of time I mean more than a few months...I mean YEARS! (Think of people who are only now moving up from F15...and we're heading into F18!).....sorry...I think I'm "ranting"....LoL!

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