Well then I stand corrected! I once again apologize, and will keep mt
"pop-ins" as minimal and brief as possible! Thank you for clearing this
up for me! LoL!
On 06/24/2012 03:02 AM, Daniel wrote:
Eddie G.O'Connor Jr-I wrote:
While I don't consider myself on the level of most of the people here,
I also am not stupid enough to think my "blanket statement" will be
wonderfully and miraculously accepted by all.
The issue wasn't whether a blanket statement would be accepted by all.
The issue was whether you could make peace by telling a group of
disputants, amongst other things, that there was some sort of
legitimacy in one disputant having called another arrogant. (You
probably did not _intend_ to do that, but you managed to do it
none-the-less, as a consequence of not having actually followed what
was being said.)
I was more trying to point out that the same way you can send me a
direct e-mail telling me....to put it bluntly.... "mind my
business"...couldn't you do the same in regards to whomever it is
you're at opposites with regarding opinion, lack of facts, inclusion
of facts, whether or not points are valid, moot, frivolous, etc.
Again, you're writing as if there are just two sides here (so that
there are "opposites"); there are at least three distinct positions
her, and possibly more.
I meant no harm in making the statements I made, and stand by
them......seriously.......if you want to hash out the semantics of
whom said what and in what order they were said, and what information
was actually requested as opposed to what was
"snipped".....omitted......spoken out of sequence etc. Then why not do
it one-on-one? as opposed to attaching it to a thread in a mailing list?
You also write as if there are just two disputants; there have been
almost 40! One-to-one works with two people, each only concerned with
the views of the other. Otherwise, one uses something such as (tah
dah!) a mailing list.
I don't "pop in" on amy of the threads.....I follow the consistently,
Attempting to follow and participating are two different things. You
indeed popped-in on a discussion, and it is plain that your prior
attempts to follow it had been unsuccessful.
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