Re: Bug 648732 – Intel wireless broken on 11n for many users

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Lawrence Graves <lgraves95@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Based on this bug report, is there a fix for this problem. I am unable to
> install my nvidia drivers because of this bug. I don't understand it at all.
> Every time I installed the drivers and reboot this is the results. I don't
> know why these two programs are in conflict but it seems they are. Will
> somebody take a look at this problem.
> I am running Fedora 16/64-bit on Dell 9400 Inspiron with a Quadro FX2500m
> video card.

> The problem is what is preventing me from installing nvidia drivers. I
> disabled the wifi firmware and used my wlan line to install and still get
> the same results. Aggregation error.

Ian Malone wrote:
> If you can set out: what you've tried to install the drivers, in what
> way the install process fails or they don't work and any other
> information you think is relevant such as why you think the iwl
> problem is related then someone
> may be able to help. Currently you're the only person with enough
> information to investigate the problem.
> - with more words. And steps.
> I'm going to take a guess based on what you've just said and suggest that:
> 1. Your problem is actually that the yum install is not working due to
> some kind of rpm database or connectivity issue.
> 2. It has nothing specifically to do with either nvidia or intel wifi.
> But, honestly, I've no idea what you've done, what you're experiencing
> or what problem you're trying to solve. So without more detail I'm
> just going to have to stop here.

On 1 December 2011 20:57, Lawrence Graves <lgraves95@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have done a yum install akmod-nvidia kmod-nvidia, reboot and the screen
> flashes about three times and comes back with a list of the programs it
> started and waiting for about 1 to 2 minutes and it gives me the message of
> :Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 1, waiting a few more
> minutes and it says the same thing again only it changes load =0 or 6 or 4
> etc. This is all I can explain because I am not as technical as you are.
> Sorry I can't do any
> more.

Thank you, it's not in-depth technical analysis I wanted, just a
literal description of what was happening.

What you're describing (screen flashes three times and then changes to
text mode) is X trying to start and failing. This does probably
indicate the nvidia drivers aren't loading, by being in text mode
you're also seeing any other startup errors, including a different and
probably unrelated error from the iwl startup. You should be able to
login in text mode by pressing Ctl-Alt-F2 to get a login prompt (or
try F1 through to F8 if that doesn't work).

At this point there are a few things that would be useful:
1. output of the command
2. Contents of /var/log/X.0.log
3. output of
rpm -qa|grep nvidia

If you're not able to copy things off the system then just these instead:
lsmod |grep nv
lsmod |grep nouveau
grep EE /var/log/X.0.log
rpm -qa|grep nvidia

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