Re: Bug 648732 – Intel wireless broken on 11n for many users

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On 12/01/2011 11:30 AM, Ian Malone wrote:
On 1 December 2011 13:25, Lawrence Graves <lgraves95@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 12/01/2011 12:53 AM, Ian Malone wrote:
On 28 November 2011 20:14, Lawrence Graves <lgraves95@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

(I've fixed the quoting)
Based on this bug report, is there a fix for this problem. I am unable to
install my nvidia drivers because of this bug. I don't understand it at all.
Every time I installed the drivers and reboot this is the results. I don't
know why these two programs are in conflict but it seems they are. Will
somebody take a look at this problem.
I am running Fedora 16/64-bit on Dell 9400 Inspiron with a Quadro FX2500m
video card.

So far as I can see (and I may have missed an email, because you seem
to have started several different threads on this) you've never said
why you think the Intel wireless problem is connected to your nvidia
problem. There's no mention of nvidia in that bug report and for all I
know the two may be completely unrelated. If you can set out: what
you've tried to install the drivers, in what way the install process
fails or they don't work and any other information you think is
relevant such as why you think the iwl problem is related then someone
may be able to help. Currently you're the only person with enough
information to investigate the problem.


-- The problem is what is preventing me from installing nvidia drivers. I
disabled the wifi firmware and used my wlan line to install and still get
the same results. Aggregation error.
If you can set out: what you've tried to install the drivers, in what
way the install process fails or they don't work and any other
information you think is relevant such as why you think the iwl
problem is related then someone
may be able to help. Currently you're the only person with enough
information to investigate the problem.
- with more words. And steps.

I'm going to take a guess based on what you've just said and suggest that:
1. Your problem is actually that the yum install is not working due to
some kind of rpm database or connectivity issue.
2. It has nothing specifically to do with either nvidia or intel wifi.

But, honestly, I've no idea what you've done, what you're experiencing
or what problem you're trying to solve. So without more detail I'm
just going to have to stop here.

I have done a yum install akmod-nvidia kmod-nvidia, reboot and the screen flashes about three times and comes back with a list of the programs it started and waiting for about 1 to 2 minutes and it gives me the message of :Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 1, waiting a few more minutes and it says the same thing again only it changes load =0 or 6 or 4 etc. This is all I can explain because I am not as technical as you are. Sorry I can't do any more.
Lawrence Graves All things are workable but don't all things work.
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