Re: Four Tweaks for Gnome 3

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On 3 June 2011 13:19, Olav Vitters <olav@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 03, 2011 at 07:57:18AM -0400, Genes MailLists wrote:
>> On 06/03/2011 05:39 AM, Olav Vitters wrote:
>> ings.
>> >

>> Â I don't agree - I think the right solution is that extensions vie to
>> be accepted as part of Gnome Core - otherwise its a losing battle.
> Extensions are maintained by various people. Further, they're called
> extensions, they're not part of GNOME because for some reason they
> weren't wanted.
> Arguing that extensions should be part of GNOME shell wouldn't make them
> extensions anymore.
> Could you explain why instead of allowing anyone to write extensions,
> you want to limit it to the ones with a GNOME Git account? In practice
> it'll end up being just the one gnome-shell-extension maintainer? It
> does not make sense to me.

There's obviously going to be a mix of extensions that are really
extensions (things some people want that most don't really need or
want) and extensions that fix things that are wrong at the moment. I'm
hoping that the Gnome team are taking notice of some of the work
that's being done and their next iteration of Gnome 3.0 is saner.

I'm currently dividing the things that irritate me into familiarity
issues (not long term problems) and fundamental issues/regressions.
Some of the later so far (mainly to do with the activities window) in
short form:
1. Applications are now presented in a 2D array across the whole
screen. This makes looking for something more difficult than scanning
down a straight list. Particularly as the icons are really too big.
Might look cool on an iPhone, less useful on a 13" widescreen laptop.
Haven't dared try it on my desktop pc yet.

2. Associated with #1, more mouse-distance and clicks to start an
application. Bring up activities window from the dash involves either
keystroke or mouse to top left (hard into corner or top left and
click) then mouse down to application and click again. The analogous
action under Gnome 2 was move to quickstart icon on the panel and
click. Using the applications menu involves opening the activities
window, moving (1/3 screen) across to select applications and then
searching through for the one you want (see #1). If you want to select
a category you've got to move across the screen again.

3. Activities screen tends to wait while applications are busy, on a
dual core machine. This is horrible. With a busy application I should
be able to move across to another one and work in that. If I forget
and start the activites screen I'm locked out for a while.

4. What applications are running? Hard to see if a window has crashed
or closed, because the presentation through the dash collapses that
information and mixes it with the favourites.

5. What is the application name at the top right /for/? Clicking on it
presents a drop down that lets me quit the app, but I can think of at
least three other ways to do that in a typical application. It doesn't
allow anything else that might be useful like opening another

6. Similarly the open-current-window feature of the dash is a good
idea, but somehow it feels like it could be improved. If I click on
firefox I want to open another window, not find the open firefox (it's
a big window, it's obvious on the activities screen and in alt-tab).
Yes right click gives that option, but this is a bit unsatisfactory
for what is often the primary action. The Gnome people don't like
configurability, but how about splitting the dash into sections for
two the two actions, or splitting the (gigantic) icons in two?

7. Multiple entry points into the same limited configuration menu.
This annoys me whenever I run into it. Used to be the case in older
distros, I think Mandriva had something like it, late RH / early
Fedora maybe. The KDE on the oldish Slackware I run at work.
Essentially there are lots of ways to get into a configuration menu,
which turns out to be the same one. So if trying to change settings
you spend lots of time trying to find an configuration editor to
change something (see 1#, #2) and then it turns out to start the same
application that didn't do what you wanted the last time. F12/F13
finally had some quite powerful and useful configuration tools.

I think most of these problems could be solved if someone broke into
Gnome HQ and confiscated all their touchpad PCs.

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