Re: [OT Humor] "Obviously designed by morons"

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On Friday 01 April 2011 20:41:54 Bill Davidsen wrote:
> You may not be all that happy with XFCE either, if what you really want is
> GNOME-2. I don't know where to go after fc14, what I want is GNOME-2, and
> that isn't happening, Fedora developers drank the kool-aid and not only
> gave up the far more usable GNOME-2, but also the Fedora theme, replacing
> with the GNOME-3 prison bars theme.
> It's been a good ride, but unless a better WM comes along fc14 is the final
> destination.

I remember the time when KDE 4.0 appeared in Fedora stable. A whole bunch of 
people started bitching how ugly and bad it was, a "dumbed-down-Gnome", 
whatever. And this bunch of people who were using KDE 3.5 decided to switch to 
Gnome (Linus Thorvalds being one of the most notable), because "KDE developers 
went nuts", to put it simply. There was just a handful of us left devoted to 
learn the new desktop paradigms KDE4 introduced.

Back then, I have read somewhere that Gnome (and not just Gnome) is planning 
to go in the same direction, they just needed more development time. In 
various discussions on this list (feel free to search the archives), I did 
make a point that this kind of thing is about to happen with Gnome in the near 
future, but the general opinion was that Gnome devs are not that stupid and 
that they will not repeat the KDE 4.0 mistakes.

And now I see it happen. Granted, the mistakes are maybe not the same ones KDE 
folks were nervous about, but there is roughly equivalent dissatisfaction with 
the new Gnome as was with KDE. I also (humbly) predicted that this will induce 
a lot of people to migrate back to KDE, which should be fixed and polished-up 
by then (ie. by now). Btw, if you bother to take a look at the current KDE 
4.5.5, you'll find that it indeed is polished-up and works quite nice. So I 
guess there will be some backflow of users to KDE from the new Gnome 
population, coming soon with F15.

There was also some talk back then about parallel support for both KDE 4.0 and 
KDE 3.5, just like there is today about Gnome 3 and 2. But it didn't happen 
for KDE, since devs and packagers didn't want to do a double job, and there 
was noone else to step up and maintain the old and not-developed-anymore 3.5 

Somehow I have a feeling that a similar thing is going to happen now with 
Gnome. Devs are going to abandon version 2 in order to focus on 3 more 
efficiently, packagers are going to go with latest&greatest as per Fedora 
philosophy, and there will be noone to step up and do the work to keep the old 
Gnome 2 in Fedora.

And finally, Fedora will not be the only distro where this happens, others will 
follow eventually, just like they did with KDE.

I don't want to play a prophet or to sound negative, but --- mark my words... 

My advice is to just try to adapt to new Gnome, or migrate to KDE or some 
other DE, and adapt to that. But don't weep and moan about Gnome 2, it will be 
effectively dead very soon, my guess is by the time F15 comes out. ;-)


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