Re: mplayer doesn't like me again

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On 02/03/2011 11:22 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
>>> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3600 Series
> According to the box, it's a Vision Tek Radeon HD3650.

RV635 PRO chipset. PCIE x16 and AGP bus interfaces.  How much video RAM?
 256?  512?  1024?  The man page for radeon doesn't explicitly mention
your model number, but it does claim to support your chipset.

Have you read the man page radeon(4)?  It lists all the options.
Perhaps playing with some of them will improve your performance.

>> Let's concentrate on mplayer.  Does it work any better if you specify
>> "-vo xv" or "-vo xvidix"?
>>From the command line I tried
> xv: DRI failure, pixelation

That would suggest either a bad video card, or the support for your card
is not (yet) complete in the radeon driver.  Have you tried a more
recent video driver?

I haven't asked yet, what version of fedora, and what version of
xorg_x11_drv_ati?  I'm running F14 w/


> gl_nosw: pixelation, but no DRI failure message
> dga: mess
> fbdev: cannot open /dev/fb, no  video
> xvidix: pci errors, no video
> x11: DRI failure, pixelation

Without some sort of hardware support, 3D is going to require a really
fast CPU.  What is the processor in your system?  32 or 64 bit?  Any
idea what the system bus is running at?  My laptop has an Intel Core2
T7200 @ 2.0GHz.  With my video card, HD is iffy at best (playing a local
small mpg4 file really drags and has trouble keeping up with the audio).
 I have no problems with Flash videos, though the quality can vary
greatly between clips (the less the quality of the pics, the better the
video plays, go figure.  B^)  Flash is supposed to realize when the
processing starts to drag and start dropping video frames to try and
keep up with the audio.  At least that's my understanding.  I usually
play Flash with my browser, and mpegs and avis with mplayer.

Also, I have the Adobe Flash Square driver installed for x86_64.  It has
its drawbacks (like the memcpy bug that needs working around in
Firefox).  You might also be able to play Flash directly with Google
Chrome.  I'm not up on what mplayer's flash video support uses.

> dga: mess:
> Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
> VO: [dga] 640x480 => 640x480 BGRA vo_dga: DGA 2.0 available :-) Can switch resolution AND depth!
> vo_dga: Selected hardware mode  640 x  480 @  59 Hz @ depth 24, bitspp 32.
> vo_dga: Video parameters by codec: 640 x 480, depth 24, bitspp 32.
> vo_dga: Framebuffer mapping failed!!!
> FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver.
> Too many buffered pts

Hmmm.   I googled DGA Video, and I found the following snippets on the
first page that came up:

> WHAT IS DGA.  DGA is short for Direct Graphics Access and is a means for a program to bypass the X server and directly modifying the framebuffer memory.

> However DGA has some drawbacks. It seems it is somewhat dependent on the graphics chip you use and on the implementation of the X server's video driver that controls this chip. So it does not work on every system...

> You should also try if the -vo sdl:driver=dga option works for you! It's much faster!

Looks like YMMV.

I tried running my videos with DGA, and I found that I have no support
for it installed.

I was looking at my X11 packages, and I have the following installed
related to xv:

libXv, libXvMC, libxvidcore4, xorg-x11-server-Xvfb, xv, and xvidcore

> I should have mentioned this before:
> The degree of pixelation is not constant.
> The longer I play the worse it gets.
> Rebooting doesn't help.
> Sometimes waiting a week does.
> Pixelation comes in spurts.
> I'm in the middle of a spurt that was
> preceeded by a long period of good video.

Usually a sign that you're CPU starved when playing video.  You really
want to find a way to leverage your video card with a better video
output method.  I've been happy with Xv for the most part, but I
*really* like my new GeForce GT218 card in my desktop.  Using VDPAU in
MythTV, it plays HD TV like my real HD television.  No more pixelation,
no more stuttering.  Of course, that doesn't help my laptop where I'm
stuck with this ATI video.  B^)

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (
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