Re: Who's moderating this forum?

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On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Paul W. Frields <stickster@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Fri, 2010-07-16 at 13:13 -0400, Marcel Rieux wrote:
> The prerequisite is that Red Hat employees have some common sense
> themselves... Of course, we all know that Fedora being an entity
> completely separate from Red Hat is just a figment of the imagination.
> Fedora's constitution -- whose link should appear on the welcome page
> but is very hard to find: I can't at the moment -- says that a
> majority of the board members, including the Project Leader, should be
> from Red Hat.

Normally I wouldn't have spent time on this conversation

I'm really glad to hear that you don't lose your time in a users' conversation  about RH where the likes of Rahul Sundaram and Alan Cox participate.

> The Board's information is located in a searchable

I searched with constitution and statuses and never got to the page. How the Board is elected should be part of a constitution or statuses or, as we say in French Réglements de Régie interne.
and easily found place:

Unfortunately defaults to and the words Board, constitution or statuses are nowhere to be found on this page. I believe there is still place for a little effort.

The Fedora Project Leader is a Red Hat employee, that much is true.
There are *no* requirements that a majority of Board members be from Red  Hat.  

Thanks for clarifying this.
Five seats on the Board are elected by the community at large, and
four seats are appointed by the FPL.  In past cycles, the community has
elected both Red Hat employees and volunteers to Board seats, and the
FPL has appointed both Red Hat employees and volunteers to Board seats.

Let's see the end result:

Works for RH:

Christopher Aillon is the Desktop Applications Engineering Team Lead for Red Hat

Stephen Smoogen -- Stephen is a Fedora Infrastructure Minion for Red Hat, where he has worked since 2009.

Colin Walters -- is a Software Engineer on Red Hat's desktop team

Tom "spot" Callaway has worked for Red Hat since 2001

Additionally, there is a Chairman appointed by Red Hat, also called Fedora project leader, who has <B>veto power over any decision</B>. Jared K. Smith joined Red Hat in July 2010 as the Fedora Project Leader, taking over from Paul Frields.

Doesn't work for RH:

Jon Stanley -- Jon is a long-time contributor to Fedora

Rex Dieter works as Computer System Administrator in the Mathematics Department at the University of Nebraska Lincoln.

Matt Domsch is a Technology Strategist in the Dell Office of the CTO.

Máirín Duffy -- a Boston-based Red Hatter who started as an unpaid intern in 2004 and is now a senior interaction designer there.

Chris Tyler is a professor at Seneca College

So, that's 5 to 5. Of course, people who don't work for Red Hat are srill pretty close to Red Hat, which is normal. You don't expect Debian developers to be part of the Fedora board.
> So Red Hat can steer Fedora any way it wants, and that's OK to me. So,
> why do we have silly bashing here as if it was a Debian list? Why
> can't we discuss real things with respect, not only technical, but on
> the organizational level?

Since your premise is false

Which premise is false? That the board doesn't need to have to comprise a majority of RH employees? Does this change anything to the fact that "Red Hat can steer Fedora any way it wants", mainly that the Fedora Project Leader is appointed by Red Hat and has veto power?
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