Re: microphone not recording

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Antonio M wrote:
2008/9/20 Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>:
Antonio M wrote:
2008/9/17 Antonio M <antonio.montagnani@xxxxxxxxx>:
2008/9/17 Antonio M <antonio.montagnani@xxxxxxxxx>:
2008/9/17 JoaoCid <no-reply-gw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Also, many thanks for the feedback!
In fact, I've done that before also without success...
I've tried again, and I have the following selected in
-Line-In capture
-CD capture
-Microphone capture
-Mic Boost (+20db)
-Mic select
-PC speaker
-External amplifier
-High-Pass filter enable

Which enables the following in the switches tab:
-Line-In capture [selected]
-CD capture [not selected]
-Microphone capture [selected]
-Mic boost (+20db) [selected]
-External amplifier [selected]
-High-Pass filter enable [selected]

And also 2 additional tabs:
1st tab is "options", and holds "Mic Select", from which I can try to
select Mic1 or Mic2
2n tab is "recording", and holds 2 controls for "capture" volume

Still doesn't work... and I am affraid that there's something really
stupid that I am doing/missing without knowing it... as I still find strange
that the console version of alsamixer only sees "master" and "capture", and
this last without further items (like Mic1, Mic2 or else) to select (which I
learned I could do with the space key, after  "capture" is previously
selected with the tab key).

Well, sorry for this long post, but I tried to cover it all... hoping
for some additional hints!

Oh, and by the way, just reminding about the environment:
FC8, Intel on-board sound-card, and using an output amplifier from
Creative (which shouldn't matter at all...)

Again, thanks

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I checked my system that is playing by an Intel 82801H (ICH8 Family)
HD Audio Controller
Playback is fine but I cannot record!!!
I have the following slides in Playback:
Line in boost
Mic Boost
Internal Mic Boost

And in recording only Capture
Input Source is: Internal Mic

When I start Sound recorder I get the message that capture settings
are not correct (But everything is selected and slides are up)
And until latest updates in F9 Skype could work, now I have sound in
but no way to have sound out.

Antonio Montagnani
Skype : antoniomontag

forgot to say that in alsamixer I have only Master and Capture.
My Smolt page is: pub_e6353e96-ff90-440d-8c02-30efa9b752f2

Antonio Montagnani
Skype : antoniomontag running kernel, SKype is working,
running kernel- Skype has no microphone
recording.....I blame kernel for it.
Any Idea????

Clearly if you change only one thing and sound stops working, the kernel
*is* to blame for it. But something else my be the fix, if the kernel is
changed to tickle a problem elsewhere, although I suspect that the hardware
is being detected differently. You might compare the dmesg from boot of each
of the kernels and see if that provides useful information.

The very first thing I would suggest is to kill pulseaudio, just using alsa
sound and alsamixer has been far easier to get going for input on my
systems. My impression is that pulseaudio is trying to do cleaver things
without providing clever documentation or user interface. So it works for
people who know the secret, and they swear there is no problem, but there
seem to be many tricks which you can find only on unofficial web sites, in
chat rooms, and the like.

At least you can try the dmesg compare and taking one possible source of the
problem out of the picture. See if that helps.

Tnx for the answer, but I will not kill pulseaudio, as I understand
that is a new feature of Fedora...of course killing pulseaudio might
solve my issue, but not help to improve pulseaudio performances in

And having a non-working system improves it how? If you took out PA and the problem went away you could report it with bugzilla, or verify that it was elsewhere if the problem persisted.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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