Re: microphone not recording

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2008/9/20 Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>:
> Antonio M wrote:
>> 2008/9/17 Antonio M <antonio.montagnani@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>> 2008/9/17 Antonio M <antonio.montagnani@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> 2008/9/17 JoaoCid <no-reply-gw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Also, many thanks for the feedback!
>>>>> In fact, I've done that before also without success...
>>>>> I've tried again, and I have the following selected in
>>>>> Edit-->Preferences:
>>>>> -Master
>>>>> -PCM
>>>>> -Line-In
>>>>> -Line-In capture
>>>>> -CD
>>>>> -CD capture
>>>>> -Microphone
>>>>> -Microphone capture
>>>>> -Mic Boost (+20db)
>>>>> -Mic select
>>>>> -PC speaker
>>>>> -Capture
>>>>> -External amplifier
>>>>> -High-Pass filter enable
>>>>> Which enables the following in the switches tab:
>>>>> -Line-In capture [selected]
>>>>> -CD capture [not selected]
>>>>> -Microphone capture [selected]
>>>>> -Mic boost (+20db) [selected]
>>>>> -External amplifier [selected]
>>>>> -High-Pass filter enable [selected]
>>>>> And also 2 additional tabs:
>>>>> 1st tab is "options", and holds "Mic Select", from which I can try to
>>>>> select Mic1 or Mic2
>>>>> 2n tab is "recording", and holds 2 controls for "capture" volume
>>>>> Still doesn't work... and I am affraid that there's something really
>>>>> stupid that I am doing/missing without knowing it... as I still find strange
>>>>> that the console version of alsamixer only sees "master" and "capture", and
>>>>> this last without further items (like Mic1, Mic2 or else) to select (which I
>>>>> learned I could do with the space key, after  "capture" is previously
>>>>> selected with the tab key).
>>>>> Well, sorry for this long post, but I tried to cover it all... hoping
>>>>> for some additional hints!
>>>>> Oh, and by the way, just reminding about the environment:
>>>>> FC8, Intel on-board sound-card, and using an output amplifier from
>>>>> Creative (which shouldn't matter at all...)
>>>>> Again, thanks
>>>>> Joao
>>>>> --
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>>>>> webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and/or blame joao.cid@xxxxxxxx
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>>>> I checked my system that is playing by an Intel 82801H (ICH8 Family)
>>>> HD Audio Controller
>>>> Playback is fine but I cannot record!!!
>>>> I have the following slides in Playback:
>>>> Master
>>>> PCM
>>>> Line in boost
>>>> Mic Boost
>>>> Beep
>>>> Internal Mic Boost
>>>> And in recording only Capture
>>>> Input Source is: Internal Mic
>>>> When I start Sound recorder I get the message that capture settings
>>>> are not correct (But everything is selected and slides are up)
>>>> And until latest updates in F9 Skype could work, now I have sound in
>>>> but no way to have sound out.
>>>> --
>>>> Antonio Montagnani
>>>> Skype : antoniomontag
>>> forgot to say that in alsamixer I have only Master and Capture.
>>> My Smolt page is: pub_e6353e96-ff90-440d-8c02-30efa9b752f2
>>> --
>>> Antonio Montagnani
>>> Skype : antoniomontag
>> running kernel, SKype is working,
>> running kernel- Skype has no microphone
>> recording.....I blame kernel for it.
>> Any Idea????
> Clearly if you change only one thing and sound stops working, the kernel
> *is* to blame for it. But something else my be the fix, if the kernel is
> changed to tickle a problem elsewhere, although I suspect that the hardware
> is being detected differently. You might compare the dmesg from boot of each
> of the kernels and see if that provides useful information.
> The very first thing I would suggest is to kill pulseaudio, just using alsa
> sound and alsamixer has been far easier to get going for input on my
> systems. My impression is that pulseaudio is trying to do cleaver things
> without providing clever documentation or user interface. So it works for
> people who know the secret, and they swear there is no problem, but there
> seem to be many tricks which you can find only on unofficial web sites, in
> chat rooms, and the like.
> At least you can try the dmesg compare and taking one possible source of the
> problem out of the picture. See if that helps.
> --
> Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
>  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
> the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
> --
> fedora-list mailing list
> fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> To unsubscribe:
> Guidelines:

Tnx for the answer, but I will not kill pulseaudio, as I understand
that is a new feature of Fedora...of course killing pulseaudio might
solve my issue, but not help to improve pulseaudio performances in

Antonio Montagnani
Skype : antoniomontag

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