Re: awstats munged httpd rights in SElinux, how to fix?

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On Friday 01 August 2008, Tim wrote:
>>> NB: I've done this with a spinning headache, so you ought to be able to
>>> manage this as well, without my headache.
>Gene Heskett:
>> ouch, like my aching back, thats not good at all, mine is from 70+ years
>> of abuse & 25 extra pounds, does your's have a reason?
>Dunno if my headache's from the cold I've got, or the medication for it.
>I do know why my back aches - getting stuck, many years ago, hauling
>something heavy out of the back of a car...
>>> I mention an alternative stats program
>> I see that is installed, but finding a viewer for it seems to be purely by
>> accident, it opened ELinks, whatever that is, when I clicked on its july
>> report from within midnight commander.
>How did you access it?  Elinks is a text-only web browser, rather like
>Lynx, but also supports some rudimentary tables or frames layout.
>> Grumble...  Question for the webalizer folks then?  Why is there not a
>> link to the viewer in the k-menu's?
>Well, actually, one doesn't usually access such things through the
>system menus, but through your web browser.  What would be needed is
>preloading the bookmarks on any browser that's on your system, with
><http://localhost/usage>.  But then we don't do anything similar for all
>the cgi-scripts that might be included with a web browser.
>It's another of those read the manual / read the configuration file /
>look at its scripts, things.  It used to be that such things as
>statistic analysers were programs that you'd install by hand, because
>you wanted it, and would already have known about it.
>> Having it installed, but effectively unavailable doesn't make a lot of
>> sense to me.  If there had been such a menu entry, its likely I would have
>> used it rather than doing a freshmeat search for the newest, highly rated
>> such tool & then went hunting in yumex for a suitable rpm.
>Over the years I'd used webalizer, finding it's simple one page summary
>rather useful.  But more recently, preferred AWStats features.  I'd left
>it alone, before, as being rather convoluted.  But when I changed
>webhosts, they gave me with a poorly configured webalizer, and a fairly
>well configured AWStats.  And since I can't really reconfigure them,
>thanks to how the host runs, I just went with the flow.
>One thing that annoys me about them both, is the referrer stats.  The
>links for who referred to you is sanitised, somewhat.  So you do have to
>manually check your logs to find exactly what pages have referred to
>you.  You just know, when your stats have suddenly increased for one
>month, that you've become the address on one of those random "exit this
>porn site" buttons.  ;-)
>> ls -l /etc/awstats/:
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 62137 2008-07-30 17:28
>> awstats.coyote.coyote.den.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 62130 2008-07-21
>> 17:17 awstats.localhost.localdomain.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 62130
>> 2008-07-21 17:17 awstats.model.conf
>> And I haven't touched what the rpm installed.
>To cut down on workload, and avoid meaningless data/traffic, I'd remove
>all but one, and customise it to suit your needs.  Else, once an hour,
>all three configuration files will be used to read your stats.
>> Since I'm running an oddball port # to the outside world, I was rather
>> surprised to see the googlebot was there every day this last month.
>I can think of a few things:  Faked user-agent string, hoping that the
>googlebot might be allowed in where ordinary clients might shooed away.
>And if you've ever mentioned the address for your server somewhere in
>public, it'll have been indexed.  Big brother is watching you, and I
>don't mean that crappy TV show...  ;-)

Grrr.  Must be time I changed the domain name, but I'd still have to email it 
to my friends, who like you, are many and sundry.  Damned if I do & damned if 
I don't.  I should do a google search for one of the pictures there and see 
if google has the link.  I just tried google for 3 of my pix, but google 
doesn't have a link.  Just as well, I occasionally have stuff there that 
burglars would love.

>>>>> Are you still using your computer as root...
>> Some of this started when I tried to build OpenMovieEditor, and F8
>> apparently doesn't have enough GLX stuff to build it, 8 OpenGL
>> functions seem to have been stripped from the library by RedHat.
>> Reason?  Damned if I know.

here is whats missing:

gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/local/include -Wall -Wmissing-declarations -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/opt/gmerlin/lib -o .libs/bgavdump 
bgavdump.o  ../lib/.libs/ -L/usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `faacDecDecode'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `faacDecInit2'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `faacDecClose'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `faacDecOpen'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `faacDecSetConfiguration'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `faacDecInit'
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to 
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `faacDecGetErrorMessage'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [bgavdump] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
Compilation in gmerlin_avdecoder failed

I interpret that as saying that even though the functions are in the header 
files ok, the library itself does not have them.  Grrrr.

>I'd still stick with using your computer as yourself, just use another
>terminal as root for configuration issues.  Especially if you're opening
>your computer up to the world as a webserver.  You do want as much
>protection as you can manage, in that situation.

I'm not directly connected to the net here, dd-wrt, x86 version running on an 
old 450 mhz k6-iii is between me and the black hats.  It gets about 500 root 
login attempts a day, but the password is both long and unique.


>Around here, we have neighbours who like playing with power tools all
>week and weekend long, lawn mowers, chainsaws, angle grinders, and other
>things that I haven't figured out.  Compare that to me - the other week
>I pruned several trees, and removed a whole one, using nothing other
>than a hand saw, branch clippers, and brute force.  The only noise I
>subjected my neighbours to was the occasional swear word.

Yeah I hear that. I have about a 5 minute monologue I've developed over the 
years for such things as hitting my thumb with a hammer or similar.  You can 
hear it well past the property line too.

Cheers, Gene
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I have more humility in my little finger than you have in your whole ____
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