Re: Why is Fedora not a Free GNU/Linux distributions?

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Alexandre Oliva wrote:

Your freedom to distribute the improvement is respected
by the GPL, but not by the combination of the licenses you accepted.

Why do you consider that acceptable?

It's undesirable, indeed, but what's to stop people from inventing
intentionally-incompatible licenses or accepting them?

The GNU GPL was the first copyleft license.  It was incompatible with
other licenses that preceded it because they did not grant the rights
the GPL was intended to grant, and it was not deemed appropriate to
give up those rights for the sake of compatibility with them.  Can't
really fault the GPL for that, can you?

Yes, it has always been immoral to demand that others give up their rights.

Other copyleft and non-copyleft licenses followed that were designed
specifically to be incompatible with the GPL, to prevent code sharing.

You have the both motives and the timeline backwards. For example, the BSD license whose intent is obviously to permit code sharing but not take away anyone's rights predates the GPL and certainly GPLv2. The GPL was intentionally incompatible because it's only purpose is to force you to choose between giving up your rights or sharing code.

Can't fault the GPL for that, can you?

Of course I do. There's never a reason for anyone to give up their rights, and no need to withhold the ability to share code.

If you think that's
unacceptable, why did you accept the less permissive or artificially
incompatible license that got you into this situation?

In general the terms I'm speaking of are more permissive than the GPL and the GPL is the one that was intentionally incompatible, but that's not the point. The point is that the work-as-a-whole clause is an immoral restriction.

If you
accepted them, you think that's acceptable.  If you don't want to
accept them, talk the copyright holders into changing their minds and
permit you to respect others' freedoms while not granting them the
power to not respect third parties' freedoms.

The thing that's not acceptable is forcing a decision to give up your rights or to not be able to share the code.

Anyhow, where does this leave you?  Does "barking up the wrong tree"
mean anything to you?

That is, why do you believe is it right for one license to have any
affect on the terms of another?

Moo.  Does "when did you stop beating your wife?" mean anything to
you? :-)

No, but it means you haven't read or understood what accepting the license takes away from you.

I don't believe that is right, and the GPL doesn't do any such thing.
This license you invented that you call GPL and spend your life
complaining about might do that, but then, that's between you and your

Depending on your legal system there may or may not be a difference between a license and a contract, but having agreed to:

  "b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
    parties under the terms of this License."

consider all of the possibilities you have given up the right to create and share. Just in sheer volume it prohibits much more than it can ever permit.

And here's a more pragmatic take on the issue. Someone who says they got more contributions back after changing their licenses from GPL to something non-copyleft along with eliminating the moral issue of taking away the choices of subsequent contributors:

  Les Mikesell

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