Re: Good bye: Res has a potty-mouth.

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On Sun, 3 Feb 2008, Kelly Miller wrote:

Res wrote:
it does, I've witnessed the "in crowd" do this for years, look what they did recently to Karl, look what did a year ago to a prominent member of this group who left to go to Ubuntu, this group of leopards changes its spots so many times it _is_ actually funny.

You mean ESR? He switches distros faster than anyone I've ever seen; and "what they did" was complain that he turned leaving Fedora for Ubuntu into a gigantic Internet flame war for no reason. And uh, I don't know about you,

he left, they attacked him and attacked him and attacked him, the regular posters in here are vindictive idiot trolls who seriously lack any form of life, if one leaves so be it as someone else pointed out its fedora mailing list, but that still will never stop the self proclaimed chest beaters who need a good wakeup call.

people DON'T like are people who choose not to listen and continue to ask the same questions they've already had answered. After a while, people decide

so they should be ignored, not attacked

person in question to stop posting, as it's filling the list with junk posts and making it hard for people to find what is worth looking for.

the noise ratio on this list has far exceeded the content for many many years.

And as for this "in crowd", if it exists I haven't seen it. As of now no one has modded my posts, told me to get lost, or done anything except have civilized conversations. I'm wondering if your perception of this "in crowd" thing is caused because you'd rather not face the truth; that people don't

the in-crowd is in teh archives, they are the ones who dont like it when one questions why fedora doesnt do this or that, they are the self appointed net cops who think they have the right to ask people not to post, not to quote so much, not to top post, not to bottom post and msot likely not to breath.

like your comments because you're always negative, always swearing, always All-Capsing, and eventually people get sick of it.

I dont care if someone reads or likes what I say, I used to be polite and courteous, that only brough attacks upon me when I questioned why Fedora did things, not constructive debate, but outright attacksm, when /I tried to debate the removal of teh option of lilo a couple years ago I was slammed by this in-crowd but yet none of these lamers was able to say why it shouldnt be included as an option, it was pure attack, so they can go fuck themselves as of then, and since then I decided F the in-crowd I would t5read courtesly no more.

Is there a reason you stay here to scream about things that you and only you seem to have issues with? Do you believe in the screaming crowd axiom or

ah the true colours of the fuckwit brigade come out, "if you dont like it go" dont debate why things were done, you are just another troll afterall


mysql> update auth set Framed-IP-Address='' where user= 'troll';

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