On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, Jacques B. wrote:
ah the cant shut em up one way we'll try persuade em another, jesus
christ, this lame example has been used for over 20 years, even well back
in the early days of fidonet, didnt work then on anybody, it certainly
wont work now.
Hardly a lame example. It's very much the truth. If it was
hypothetical I would have qualified it accordingly. You simply don't
have the ability to recognize it if it ever did happen to you, much
like the person in that case had no idea that I passed them over
because of their attitude.
like I care? (hint: I'm the one who does the hiring around here) so that
explain why I dont give a rats ass about your attempt to shut me up, you
can say it till the cows come home, and if you did run by that, then god
help your company and the idiots who employed *you*!
I'll take a smart mouthed witty clown over some mailinglist-big-noter who
wants us all to walk on cotton wool any day of the week if they are both
qualified for the job technically.
I want people around me who speak their mind, I dont want some
gutless cotton-wool whimp who wont speak up for fear of having a
different view than his boss's, if I want to employ suck-arses it'll be in
the advertised position.
As for you caring, I wasn't naive enough to think it would cause you
to care. You don't appear to possess the ability to care about much
oh thats right I dont posses this or that, why.. oh yes, thats because i
disagree with fuckwits who think they own this list, and how dare I speak
out against them, if I was using the same tone attacking those who speak
against fedora I would have had next to no comments towards me, and you
know it, but thats fine because I have better things to do than sit here
and worry aout what some usless waste of space says about me on mailing
lists, the water doesnt even hit this ducks back, and good to see you
yourself have lowered your standard in some of the comments you just said,
pot kettle black very indeed :)
mysql> update auth set Framed-IP-Address='' where user= 'troll';
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