Re: CD and DVD ISO images

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John Summerfield wrote:
| David Boles wrote:
|> Gee. Sorry. I was just trying to help you and your friend. And I did
|> offer
|> a reasonable solution. A way to make a CD set from an existing, already
|> downloaded, official, Fedora 8 DVD and official Fedora 8 updated packages
|> downloaded from official Fedora mirrors into a CD set of Fedora. Even if
|> you did *not* have a local DVD source this would make the CD isos without
|> that. And Jigdo, bluntly, is so simple to use that anyone that *thinks*
|> that they can use Linux should be able to do it.
|> But what you want is a DVD with CD isos for everyone instead of an
|> installable DVD iso that I, and many, many others, could use with out the
|> magic, smoke, and mirrors. No thanks.
| That is my proposal. See my first email in this thread.
| Specifically, why is it a bad idea?

The reason CDs were dropped was, as I understood it, to give the mirrors a
space break. DVD and not a duplicate package set on 5 CDs. You are
proposing two DVDs. One a 'real' DVD and one a DVD made of 5 CDs isos.
Sounds to me like the same thing. You, or someone, proposed an install DVD
made up from 5 CD isos? When I see the Anaconda that will do that reliably
I might support it.

|> And I think that it makes more sense the way it is now than with the hair
|> brained CD isos in a DVD iso solution that you propose.
|> BTW - While I was preparing dinner I started this 'process' and I am
|> currently working on the fifth, there are five total in the set, CD iso.
|> If you had not been such a hard a$$ you could had CDs to hand to your
|> friend by tomorrow at the latest.
| So what? I've been using Linux for a decade or so, but I don't think it
| should be as hard for others as it's been for me. I've been using and
| recommending jigdo for around half that time.
| See
| - it's just gone five years old.
| I'm not proposing a solution to a problem _I_ find insurmountable. I'm
| proposing a solution to a problem I see as being fairly wide-spread. I
| have here seven Pentium IVs and later that came without DVD drives. All
| are suitable for running Linux, and several do.

I have been using Linux since late 1998 or early 1999. Linux today is no
where near as difficult to use as it was then. I came from OS/2 Warp. That
was *difficult* to configure. After using OS/2 Linux, again using, was
easy to configure. Except for all of the hardware that was not yet
supported. The software that would crash. A KDE version update of almost
any kind was a sure disaster.

Todays Linux, with a lot of work done by good people is IMO easy to
install and configure.

Your 'mate' should get the LIVE-CD. That's what they're for, to try before
you buy. Somethings might be missing. But not much. And it does install.
- --

~  David
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