Craig White wrote:
On Mon, 2008-01-14 at 09:12 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:
Karl Larsen wrote:
[root@localhost ~]# yum install vlc
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Resolving Dependencies
The yum is not looking for a repo to get this mess. How can this be? I
have removed all livna repos but it does not even use them.
All of the vlc rpm's are in the livna repos. So, if you have
removed/disable livna then you will not get vlc.
I wouldn't argue with you except that it seems clear that the x264
package he has installed that is acting as a block to things wasn't from
I was only responding to what appears to be yum not finding vlc in
whatever repos are enabled. I think he said he disabled livna...but
honestly can't be certain that is what he was saying.
I wouldn't have a clue to whatever else is wrong with his system since I
feel he types many more commands than he displays here on the list.
I think I would be equally successful at turning my system into a
steaming pile of ICs if I were to give my wife root access, taught her a
few commands and then told her to configure the system to show DVDs from
the US. And, by the way, the situation would not be much different with
Windows...except in the case of Linux I'd have a very good chance of
reversing the damage. :-)
For what ever reason, this mailing list seems to be failing in its
attempts to help you. Have you thought about dropping in on your local
high school to see if they have a computer club? You may find someone
there that is willing to help with "hands on" help. I think that is
better suited to you than "long distance learning".
what? and miss his charming repartee?
I would hope that going through some hands on training from someone
sitting next to him would better prepare him to make use of a mailing
list such as this one. I get the feeling that it indeed would be better
for him in the long run and would certainly contribute to the quality of
the posts and the Fedora experience. It couldn't hurt.
Illusion is the first of all pleasures. -- Voltaire
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