Re: Jigdo (was Re: Installing from the 3 DVD fedora 8 "Everything" re-spin

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On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:20:24 -0500, G.Wolfe Woodbury wrote:

> It took me about 30 minutes of head-scratching and research (not too
> unlike Mr. Day's) to figure out jigdo a few days ago.  It was not that
> pleasant an experience while going through it, but the resulting
> understanding and success with "downloading" and creating the 17 CDs of
> the Fedora Unity 8 Everything spin was quite exhilarating.
> I fetched the Fedora Unity .jigdo file, tweaked the pointers to look at
> the local repository first, and corrected a little buglet (filed in BZ),
> then it set it off with the appropriate jigdo-lite command.  

	None but the first of which I could do (if indeed I've done that) 
for the life of me. But it's good to hear again that it does work.

> About 35 minutes later I had 17 CD ISOs sitting on my drive that I  
> could burn and give to my brother who wanted to move to FC8 
> and couldn't spend the time to download all the necessary 
> stuff on a lower speed connection.
> So, for me jigdo is a *big* win.  Yes, the documentation could stand a
> lot of work in terms of clarifying the procedures and what actually
> needs to be done in what order, but it wasn't that hard (for me) to get
> my head around the underlying elegance of the Jigsaw process.

	Well, it has been taking me at least three days so far, and I'm 
not (quite, I hope) done *yet*. But I have a partial result, maybe 
something close to a real result.

	This morning, about 24 hours from starting again on my #2 
machine, jigdo-lite (invoked according to the Day Cookbook yesterday 
morning) had stopped in the night, with the following message : 

FINISHED --02:03:40--
Downloaded: 35,132,784 bytes in 10 files
Found 10 of the 50 files required by the 
Copied input files to temporary file `Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-i386-
DVD.iso.tmp' - repeat command and supply more files to continue

Aaargh - 40 files could not be downloaded. This should not
happen! Depending on the problem, it may help to retry downloading
the missing files.

However, if all the files downloaded without errors and you
still get this message, it means that the files changed on the
server, so the image cannot be generated.

Press Return to retry downloading the missing files.
Press Ctrl-C to abort. (If you re-run jigdo-lite later, it will
resume from here, the downloaded data is not lost if you press
Ctrl-C now.)

	I dutifully pressed Return, and gave it a few minutes while I 
caught up on these threads. Now it says : 

FINISHED --08:32:27--
Downloaded: 1,131,040 bytes in 10 files
Found 10 of the 11 files required by the 
Copied input files to temporary file `Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-i386-
DVD.iso.tmp' - repeat command and supply more files to continue

Aaargh - 1 files could not be downloaded. This should not
happen! Depending on the problem, it may help to retry downloading
the missing files.

However, if all the files downloaded without errors and you
still get this message, it means that the files changed on the
server, so the image cannot be generated.

Press Return to retry downloading the missing files.
Press Ctrl-C to abort. (If you re-run jigdo-lite later, it will
resume from here, the downloaded data is not lost if you press
Ctrl-C now.)

	(Incidentally, I *like* that "Aaargh" -- it's something I can 

	Hitting Return yet again produced : 

Found 1 of the 1 files required by the 
Successfully created `Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-i386-DVD.iso'

The fact that you got this far is a strong indication that `Fedora-
was generated correctly. I will perform an additional, final check,
which you can interrupt safely with Ctrl-C if you do not want to wait.

	And it is cheerfully spinning numbers on the bottom line.

	Meanwhile, the .iso.tmp file has already been renamed to 
plain .iso. (It still shows a padlock, and I haven't tried to open it; 
but Properties shows it belongs to root. So I should be able to chown it 
and look in it.)

	I trust you experts therefore predict that, if I burn it aright, 
it will boot. So what will it install?? Alas! How do I tell?? I don't 
have a machine running anything but F8 updated -- the hard way -- any 
more ....

	Wait a minute; wait a minute! Jigdo now says (after a blank line 
below the passage about interrupting) : 

OK: Checksums match, image is good!   

Images offered by `':
  1: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-i386-CD1.iso
  2: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-i386-CD2.iso
  3: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-i386-CD3.iso
  4: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-i386-CD4.iso
  5: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-i386-CD5.iso
  6: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-i386-DVD.iso
  7: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-x86_64-CD1.iso
  8: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-x86_64-CD2.iso
  9: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-x86_64-CD3.iso
 10: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-x86_64-CD4.iso
 11: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-x86_64-CD5.iso
 12: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-x86_64-CD6.iso
 13: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-x86_64-DVD.iso
 14: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-ppc-CD1.iso
 15: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-ppc-CD2.iso
 16: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-ppc-CD3.iso
 17: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-ppc-CD4.iso
 18: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-ppc-CD5.iso
 19: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-ppc-CD6.iso
 20: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-ppc-DVD.iso
 21: Fedora-Unity-20071218-8-source-DVD.iso
Number of image to download:

	Do I really have to get and use *three* *DVDs* just to install F8 
now, instead of the one I used before?? Someone here seems to think so.

	Or are they numbered sequentially by creation of later respins, 
as I've been presuming? Id est, one need only get and burn the highest? 
(I'll swear I saw three *numbered* DVDs, somewhere, in a list like the 
one above, just yesterday. Now there's only one for i386, one for ppc, 
and so on. But there were also 17 CDs. Has someone been renaming/
renumbering? Or am I even more confused than I know?)

	Aaargh ...

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Fedora 8; Alpine 0.99999, Pan 0.132; Privoxy 3.0.6;
Dillo 0.8.6, Galeon 2.0.3, Epiphany 2.20, Opera 9.24, Firefox 2.0
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.

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